Select Nutrition
editor’s note
The season of promise
We’re excited that spring is here!The spring season promises to be a most exciting time. Help your customers tackle their springtime goals by stocking your shelves with our diverse line of products. Join us onApril 19-20 as we are hosting our East Coast Tabletop show. The East Coast Tabletop showwill be at a new location this year, Citi Field home of the 2015 National League Champions, the NewYork Mets! Meet with the Select Nutrition team and key suppliers at the show, open to all Select Nutrition customers. Enjoy spectacular field views, good food and complimentary ballpark tours! Contact your sales representative for more information on attending.
This month we are highlighting our extensive options of feminine care products with both our Top 40 on page 32 and our Supplier Spotlight on page 14. In recent years, women have become more aware of the toxic and harmful chemicals that are present in our daily products. The need for a safe alternative for feminine hygiene is more in demand than ever before. Your customers are in luck as Select Nutrition offers an array of non-toxic alternatives to feminine care. Our Supplier Spotlight this month is on Organ(y)c.While most brands carry tampons and pads made with chlorine- bleachedmaterials, Organ(y)c offers feminine care products made from organic cotton. Please turn to page to 14 and learnmore about the brand that is developing a loyal following fromwomen all across the country. Melissa Goldstein, Marketing Specialist Editor
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