Select Nutrition
return policy
labels on merchandise. There should be no damage from the removal of labels. Full case items must have all pieces. Unsaleable product will not be credited. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM JTTVF B 614 DBMM UBH GPS QSPEVDUT UIBU need to be picked up as a result of a Select Nutrition error. All pickups will be initiated by UPS. Select Nutrition will not print and mail call tag information directly to customers. All products are expected to be returned timely with your next delivery. t $VTUPNFS NVTU TVQQMZ WBMJE RVBMJUZ SFBTPO GPS DPOTVNFS returns as well as lot code and expiration date. Consumer returns are eligible for credit by Select Nutrition within six (6) months of purchase date. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM JTTVF DSFEJU GPS NJTQJDLFE JUFNT ɨF 61$ number of the item received is required. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM JTTVF DSFEJU GPS JUFNT VOTBMFBCMF EVF UP manufacturer’s defect. Examples include no safety seal, no label on products, moldy product. The expiration date, quality reason and lot number are required. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM JTTVF DSFEJU GPS QSPEVDU EBNBHFE upon receipt. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM JTTVF DSFEJU GPS QSPEVDU XIJDI JT TIPSU dated according to Select Nutrition policy at time of delivery. t " DSFEJU NFNP XJMM CF JTTVFE CZ ZPVS DMBJNT SFQSFTFOUBUJWF upon review and approval of your request. The credit will be applied or attached to your next invoice. Credits for items being returned to Select Nutrition will be issued after receipt and inspection of product. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM OPU NBJM PS GBY DSFEJU NFNP EFUBJM UP any customer. t 4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO XJMM OPU JTTVF DSFEJU PS BDDFQU SFUVSOT PG overstock items. t 3FGSJHFSBUFE GSP[FO JUFNT DBO OPU CF SFUVSOFE PS DSFEJUFE
4FMFDU /VUSJUJPO DSFEJU DPOUBDU PQUJPOT GPS JOWPJDFT Please have customer number, item/UPC number and invoice number ready when calling
$BMMJOH JO B DSFEJU To reach a claims representative, dial (800) 451-2525, press 3 to reach the next available claims representative. If all representatives are busy helping other customers, you may stay on the line or press1 to leave a voice mail message. All messages are returned in the order in which they are received. 'BYJOH JO B DSFEJU Product delivered from all locations: Fax 877-842-6352 Forms are available. Please call claims number. &NBJMJOH JO B DSFEJU Please call or email for a form to be sent $SFEJU SFUVSO QSPDFEVSF Select Nutrition Credit Policy t "MM NFSDIBOEJTF DMBJNT .645 CF TVCNJUUFE UP UIF $MBJNT Department within 5 business days of receipt of merchandise. t $VTUPNFS OVNCFS JUFN 61$ OVNCFS BOE JOWPJDF OVNCFS BSF required for all claims. t 4IPSUBHF DMBJNT BSF TVCKFDU UP SFWJFX CZ *OWFOUPSZ $POUSPM t $VTUPNFS JT SFTQPOTJCMF GPS DPTUT JODVSSFE GPS SFUVSOJOH mis-ordered merchandise. Mis-ordered products are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Your Select Nutrition claims representative will approve credit and return of any mis-ordered products. t "MM QSPEVDUT NVTU CF SFUVSOFE JO TBMFBCMF DPOEJUJPO *UFNT NVTU be in original packaging with no writing on cases and no price
Toll-free phone orders 800-777-8844
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