School and Community Summer 2024

Timeline for Implementation of SB727 O n May 7, Gov. Parson signed SB727, an education omnibus bill that contains both MSTA legislative priorities and potentially harmful elements that MSTA has lobbied against for years. This comprehensive legislation, originally focused on the expansion of the voucher program, has evolved into a multifaceted initiative with far-reaching implications for teachers, schools and the broader educational community in the state. To watch a video produced by our Education Policy department about this legislation, go to .

The following will be enacted by Aug. 28, 2024: Baseline Salary Grant Program and Fund ($48 Million) PSRS/PEERS Work After Retirement The retirement system would recover any dollars earned over the work after retirement

Elementary Literacy Fund ($5 Million) This new program will provide grants to local districts for home reading programs in connection with a nonprofit organization that delivers an evidenced based reading program that provides at least six books for students to select and keep, weekly check-ins, and reporting to the legislature and DESE. Missouri Empowerment Voucher Program Expansion ($25 Million) The maximum amount of tax credits issued to pay for vouchers will expand from $50 million to $75 million. The program will then grow according to the percent of increase or decrease in state spending for the PreK-12 foundation formula. If school transportation falls below 40% of required funding, no additional scholarships may be issued. The program would no longer have geographic restrictions for applicants and increased reporting requirements will be placed on the program.

Gov. Mike Parson created the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant Program and Fund in his FY23 proposed budget to increase teacher salaries in many districts across the state. The legislature approved the program and has funded it each year. The program will now become state law with a dedicated fund in the budget to pay for salary increases to both the minimum and master’s +10 salaries. Without the fund being placed in state law, the legislature and governor are not bound to continue this important program. Career Ladder Expands the eligible activities for the Career Ladder program, allowing activities to be counted during contract time that are outside of normal classroom activities and allows military members and spouses to be exempt from two year wait if they have teaching experience in another state. Small Schools Grant ($15 Million) State law authorizes payments from this fund to small schools, defined as districts with an average daily attendance of 350 students or less. The current appropriation is $15 million, the new fund would require $30 million to fund the grant. School Boards with adopted salary schedules that permit the use of variable placement may place teachers in hard to staff schools and hard to staff areas anywhere along the salary schedule if the plan is adopted locally and reported to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Variable Placement on Salary Schedule

limit for retirees who exceed the work after retirement limit instead of losing their entire monthly pension payment. Additional Certification Allows individuals who already have a valid Missouri teaching certificate to gain additional certifications by applying to the State Board of Education and achieving an acceptable score on the state-approved teacher evaluation system with seven walk-through evaluations, two formative evaluations and one summative evaluation teaching specific content knowledge for the area in which the additional certification is sought. Teachers must also receive a recommendation from their employing school district.

Removing Barrier to Education Preparation Programs

Creation of Private School Teacher Certification

Elimination of the MoGEA test, a barrier for entry to Educator prep programs and an additional cost to potential future educators.

Private school teachers with a bachelor’s degree may apply for a teaching certificate from DESE that can only be accepted by private schools. The applicant must complete an 18 hour (1,080 minute) online teacher prep program.

Early Childhood Education ($61 Million)

Will allow districts to immediately expand the population they are able to draw funds for from the foundation formula for early childhood education from 4% to 8% of the total number of pupils between the age of eighteen who are eligible for free and reduced-price lunch.

Charter School Expansion Charter schools will be allowed to operate in Boone County under current rules and regulations.

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