School and Community Summer 2024
1944 Letter of Appreciation to School Officials and Teachers I n appreciation of the work of the schools of the Nation in conducting the registration for distribution of War Ration Book 4, Chester Bowles, Acting Administrator, Office of Price Administration, on November 6, wrote to the U. S. Commissioner of Education as follows: “The distribution of War Ration Book 4 has just been completed. The undertaking has been carried out with dispatch and precision. We are indebted again, as we have been in the past, to the school officials and teachers of the Nation. We know of no other way to express our appreciation except to ask you to convey it through any channels available to you. Because of the improvements we were able to incorporate in the planning of Book 4, and because of a ration token plan we intend to launch early in the new year, it is quite likely that this distribution of War Ration Book 4 was the last distribution we will have to undertake for about 2 years. Although the school officials have contributed so generously of their time and ability in the past, I feel sure that they will be relieved to know that the task will not have to be repeated soon.”
Captain Thomas J. Rucker, Jr., of the United States Army Air Corps has been awarded the Distinguished-Flying Cross by the order of the Secretary of War. Captain Rucker was serving as a science teacher at the time of his enlistment.
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