School and Community Fall 2023

The magazine for Missouri educators

MSTA OFFICERS President, Stacy Blakley, St. James R-1 President-elect, Pam Lowe, Sikeston R-6 Vice president, Amy Kelsey, East Buchanan C-I Treasurer, Andrew Reynolds, Centralia R-VI

Directors Kezia Bohanon, North Kansas City 74, Gtr. Kansas City Region Amanda Bradshaw, Mt. Vernon R-5, Southwest Region

Tisha Clawson, Bolivar R-1, Southwest Region Dana Cravens, Richmond R-16, Central Region

Diane Gonzales, East Newton Co. R-6, Southwest Region Noelle Horner, Hillsboro R-3, Jefferson County Region James Kreyling, Mehlville R-9, Greater St. Louis Region Tyler Lappe, Cape Girardeau 63, Southeast Region Beth Ogden, North St Francois Co R-1, Southeast Region Denise Peters, St. Joseph, St. Joseph Region Jessica Tierney, Columbia 93, Northeast Region Christopher Wright, Rolla 31, South Central Region


Glenn Bussen Keri Cottrell Marca Hayter Aubry Kruse Mike Martin

Jen Conner Tracy Darian

Maddy Johnson

Ryan Lewis Kari Nolting

Shaelynn Nordwald

Sarah Papineau

Mindy Walker

Mike Walsh

MSTA COMMUNICATIONS Administrative Assistant Jennifer Bacon Director of Marketing and Communication Todd Fuller Design & Video Coordinator Michael Lising Digital Strategist/Project Manager Kara Potter Creative Media Specialist Lindsay James

Bruce Moe

MSTA Executive Director

PUBLICATION POLICY Articles published in School & Community do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Missouri State Teachers Association.

Advertising: Only those products, services and programs endorsed by the Board of Directors of the Missouri State Teachers Association may carry such notification. Advertising in School & Community does not imply such endorsement. Indexed by “Education Index.” It is the policy of the Missouri State Teachers Association

not to publish materials or advertising that would promote a competing organization or be detrimental to the Missouri State Teachers Association.

Copyright © 2023, Missouri State Teachers Association. All rights reserved, including the right to reprint any article, photograph, cartoon or artwork published herein. School & Community (ISSN 0036-6447) is published three times during the year by the Missouri State Teachers Association. Non-profit bulk postage paid at Columbia, Mo., and at additional mailing office. Annual subscription price of $15 is included in membership dues. Current single copies cost $3.75. Postmaster: Send address changes to School & Community, 407 S. Sixth St., P.O. Box 458, Columbia, MO 65205-0458.

We want to hear from you Share your thoughts on our publications, suggest article topics or express an opinion about education in Missouri. Write: School & Community, P.O. Box 458, Columbia, MO 65205 Phone: 800-392-0532 Email:

(Volume 110, No. 1)

P.O. Box 458 Columbia, MO 65205 LOCAL: 573-442-3127


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