School and Community Fall 2023
2023 Northeast Region Award Winners
Educator of the Year
PreK/K Mandy Tipton
High School Thomas Sweeney
Elementary Robin Hunsaker
Associate Brenda Reckrodt
Middle School Danielle Hecktor
Certified Mini Grant April Case Wendy Eberhardt Jen Gill Jenny Hodge
Debbie Mann
Molly Froidl
Stacie Sharp
Terri Powell
Non-Certified Mini Grant Bobbie Trenkamp
Hannah Wood Lindsey Hague
Joe Bex Award
Teacher Education Scholarship
Technology Grant Danita Gordon (Accepted by LaNessia Ballinger) Andi Foster
Desirae O’Neal Caitlin Spencer Jesse Wren
Mindy Parshall
Cady Gilworth
Friends of Education
Individual: Andrea Campbell
School Board Member: Heather Cleavinger
Business/Civic Organization: Unfinished Pieces
Business/Civic Organization: Unionville Hy-Vee
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