School and Community Fall 2023

How Becoming an MSTA Leader Changed My Life

M y MSTA journey began when I was 24 years old, entering my first year teaching in Missouri. I spent my first 23 years learning as a student and one year teaching in the state of Kansas. I was overwhelmed by that first day of new teacher in-service, but then I met a kind and warm service coordinator (Erin Burnham, now retired) who introduced me to the organization she worked for called MSTA. Erin shared the benefits of MSTA and, without any exposure to any other organization, I joined. It was that simple! With information and an invitation, I embarked on my MSTA journey – 14 years now and counting! For the first few years, I was a quiet member. Meaning, I was just a member. I paid my dues, read the emails and went to my local CTA meetings when time allowed. I didn’t sit on any committees, I didn’t serve as part of the local leadership and I didn’t attend MSTA’s events. Then, in 2017, I was approached about answering some questions that would be used in School and Community magazine. I jumped at

the opportunity because writing has always been something I have enjoyed, and that was my launching point into my MSTA life. In 2018, I attended my first Leadership Conference and was all in! I began writing more frequently on educational topics for School and Community and also attended an Open Hearing where I watched as leaders shared the value of MSTA membership. Then, that fateful day in September at our CTA meeting, our leadership was looking for members to sign up to attend Convention as a voting delegate. I had a particularly difficult class that year and the thought of two days away without using my sick/ personal days was appealing, so I signed up. It was one of the easiest entry points I could have ever imagined! Not only did I have other members of my CTA with me so I knew a few people but, as soon as I arrived, I connected with members from my region that I had met just a few months before. There was enough down time that I was able to socialize and begin fostering some of the deepest friendships I have still to this day.


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