School and Community Fall 2023

The 2023 GenEd Teacher Fellows at Khor Virap, with Mt. Ararat in the background.

educators with AGMI’s unique role in Armenian Genocide remembrance and research, including its in-depth museum exhibit, collection of primary source documents and artifacts, and its ongoing scholarship on various aspects of the genocide, its aftermath and its continuing effects today.” These teachers will take what they have learned back to their classrooms and districts, sharing their observations and experiences with students and colleagues. Following the success of the first two cohorts of the GenEd Teacher Fellowship Program, plans have already begun for future fellowship groups. Applications will be available this December for the July 2024 cohort. GenEd encourages anyone who currently teaches about the Armenian Genocide to apply. Find Resources To learn more about GenEd and to access valuable resources for implementing genocide education in your curriculum, visit The organization provides downloadable toolkits, case studies, lesson plans, study guides, webinars, classroom posters and many other assets for educators to utilize. Contact GenEd to explore workshop services, recommendations and guidance on genocide curriculum, as well as local speakers who can share their family histories and personal experiences with students and educators.

2023 GenEd TFPs Mike Xiarhos, Leigh-Anne Hendrichs, and Emily Wardrop listen to a lecture on the Denial of the Armenian Genocide by Dr. Dikran Kaligian

2023 GenEd TFPs on a walking tour of Yerevan, Armenia, spotted in Republic Square. Photos courtesy of The Genocide Education Project

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