School and Community Fall 2022
1 GO PD 2 2 1st
Team Buider GO PD
GO PD 2 Podcast Lines and Blobs is a great way to build community in your classroom, no matter what age you teach.
Betty Glasglow, of Bolivar R-1, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Missouri Association for Career and Technical Education. She was recognized for her contributions in the areas of Facilities, Equipment, Technology and Material and Business and Community Partnerships. Makenzie Mudd, Lorie Meyer, Jennifer Pascoe, Kim Costley and Jennifer Silver (Mexico 59) were honored with Excellence in Teaching Awards by the Webber Pharmacy to honor the late Laurann Webber. $2,000 was given to each in recognition of the importance of teaching excellence in Mexico Public Schools. Jamie Metcalf, a science teacher at Oakland Middle School (Columbia 93), was named a 2022 recipient of the Teachers of Hope and Promise Award by the Worley Street Roundtable, a not-for-profit organization promoting the success of all CPS students. Douglas Snider, a social studies teacher at Robidoux Middle School (St. Joseph), was honored by the Missouri Council for the Social Studies as the MCSS 2022 Middle School Teacher of the Year. The award is given to two Missouri social studies teachers each year who foster the development of democratic beliefs and values needed for participation in the classroom, school and community settings. Michal Dameron, a Student MSTA member at Missouri State University, won the Tresa Jo Wilson Scholarship from the Missouri Choral Directors Association. The scholarship commemorates the legacy of music education left by Tresa Jo Wilson. Catie Sikes, of Danby-Rush Tower Middle School (Jefferson Co. R-2), was honored by the Missouri Choral Directors Association with the Outstanding Director Award for the East Central Region. Mark Pennington, of East Buchanan Middle (EAst Buchanan Co. C-1), was honored by the Missouri Choral Directors Association with the Outstanding Director Award for the Northwest Region. Hope Rogers, of Carl Junction High School (Carl Junction R-1), was honored
Podcast their work when completing math problems, enabling Rook to observe many students at once and further student comprehension. Micah Moorehouse, a fifth grade ELA teacher at Granby Elementary School (East Newton Co. R-VI) received a $100 grant from WGU Missouri that will be used to purchase a classroom set of 12 Mark Twain Award-nominated books that were recognized for the 2022-2023 school year by the Missouri Association of School Librarians. Susan Wilson and Charlotte McGuirk, first-grade teachers at Granby Podcast Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? Podcast L oking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents! by the Missouri Choral Directors Association with the Outstanding Director Award for the Southwest Region. Emily Thornhill, a second-grade teacher at Pate Early Childhood Center (Aurora R-8 ) received a $675 grant from WGU Missouri to purchase a centrally located storage cabinet to house a variety of games and activities that can be used for indoor recess. Lori Rook, a 7th and 8th grade math teacher at Aurora Junior High (Aurora R-8) received an $800 grant from WGU Missouri that will allow her to incorporate 12 large whiteboards throughout her classroom for students to use to show
GO PD 2 Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? 2 2 2
Lines and Blobs is a great way to build community in your classroom, no matter what age you teach. GO PD G PD Podcast
Scan the QR code to access the slidedeck. Click through the slidedeck to learn more. GO PD 2 2
Are you an ele middle school teaches math Check out Le Learni Te Lines a grea build co in your c no mat age yo
Team Buider Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension that serves as a random name generator that has the ability to store multiple classes. Free Online Courses MSTA is proud to offer free online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added throughout the year. Learn more here! Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? Lines and Blobs is a great way to Podcast Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? Podcast Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents! Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri? Lines and Blobs is a great way to build community in your classroom, no matter what age you teach. Scan the QR code to access the slidedeck. Click through the slidedeck to learn more. build community in your classroom, no matter what age you teach. Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents!
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Lines and Bl bs is a great way to
Legends of Lea engaging ga activities that ma science skills mo This platform ca teach, review o formative asses the QR code to free acco S an th slided slid build community in your classroom no matter what age you teach. Team B ider Lines and Blobs is a great way to build community in your classroom, Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents! Scan the QR cod slidedeck. Click slidedeck to l no matter what age you teach.
C eck out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Pre ents!
Team Buider
Looking for a podcast that's specific to educators in Missouri?
Are you an e middle schoo teaches mat Check out Lear Have questions resources? professional_lear for more s Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension tha serves as a random name generator that h the ability to store multiple classes. Free Online Course MSTA is proud to offer free online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added throughout the year. Learn more here! Team Buider Scan the QR code to access the slidedeck. Click through the slidedeck to learn more. Are midd teac Ch Legen n activiti science This pl teach forma the Q Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension that serves as a random name generator that has the ability to store multiple classes. Free Online Courses MSTA is proud to offer free online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added throughout the year. Learn more h re! Want to course o strategie s Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension that serves as a random name generator tha has the ability to store multiple classes. Scan the QR code to access the slidedeck. Click through the slidedeck to learn more. Free Online Courses MSTA is proud to offer free online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added througho t the year. Learn more here! Want to sign up for a course on engagement strategies? You can do so here! Scan the QR cod to access the slidedeck. Click through the slidedeck to learn more. Are y midd te c Ch Legen en activitie c ence This pl teach forma the Q Want to sign up for a course on engagement Legends of Le engaging g activities that m science skills m This platform c teach, review formative asse the QR code t free ac Want to sign up for a course on engagement strategies? You can do so here!
Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents! Check out MSTA's new podcast, MSTA Presents!
Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension that serves as a random name generator that has the ability to store multiple classes. Free Online Courses MSTA is proud to offer free online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added throughout the year. Learn more here! Elementary School (East Newton Co. R-VI) received a $170 and $320 grants from Missouri WGU to purchase a variety of manipulatives and other materials to go along with the new Science of Reading program. Tonya Smith, a family and consumer science teacher in the Bronaugh R-7 School District, received a $516 grant from WGU Missouri to purchase air fryers and Instant PotsĀ® for her classroom, providing her students with the opportunity to learn how to operate and utilize these convenient small kitchen appliances as part of her cooking unit. Jana Burley, a 2nd grade teacher at El Dorado Springs Elementary School (El Dorado Springs R-2) received a $350 grant from WGU Missouri to expand her classroom library with 50-60 nonfiction books that are subject-matter appropriate in hopes of instilling a love of reading in her students.
Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Extension that serves as a random name generator that has the ability to store multiple classes. Free Online Courses MSTA is pr d to offer fre online courses for educators across the state. New courses will be added throughout Chrome Extension Popsicle Sticks is a Chrome Ex ension that erves as a rand m name generator that has he ability o store multiple cla ses. Free Online Courses MSTA is pr ud to offer fr e nline c urses for edu ators across the state. New courses will be added throughout th year. Learn more here! strategies? You can do so here!
Have questio resource professional_lea for more Have profess
Want to sign up for a course on engagement strategies? You can do so here!
Wa t to sign up for a course on engagement strategies? You can do so here!
S&C FALL 2022 | 41
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