SS073 Portrait Center

Animated publication

InDesign CC users have a fast, efficient way to work with their portrait images and build their portrait pages – Walsworth’s Portrait Center plug-in. PORTRAIT CENTER

• Import, view, edit and flow your portrait images on to the page – all in one palette. • Upload your portrait images into Portrait Center in just a couple clicks. • Edit portrait information on a single student or batch edit several student entries at once by grade or homeroom in the Student Editor. • Use a variety of design and styling options – apply knock-outs to pages, adjust the shape and spacing of portrait boxes and try out different fonts on portrait names.

We are the only family-owned yearbook provider, and whatever your goals, we can help you achieve them. Our innovative tools and personalized service help you create amazing yearbooks and keep the yearbook tradition strong. Contact your Walsworth rep today to learn more!

Yelm High School, Yelm Washington | 800.972.4968 | SS073

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