SS038 Reach Spanish-Speaking Parents In A Meaningful Way

Animated publication

REACH SPANISH-SPEAKING PARENTS IN A MEANINGFUL WAY Walsworth developed a whole new way of marketing the yearbook to the Spanish-speaking community. We do more than simply translate our marketing pieces from English to Spanish. We partnered with experts who specialize in marketing to Spanish-speaking communities. Our materials are culturally relevant and respect core values.

We are the only family-owned yearbook provider, and whatever your goals, we can help you achieve them. Our innovative tools and personalized service help you create amazing yearbooks and keep the yearbook tradition strong. Contact your Walsworth rep today to learn more! • We help Spanish-speaking parents understand the tradition of the yearbook, and how the yearbook is a wonderful way to celebrate their students’ school life. • We developed marketing materials to help you, including fliers and emails. • Email to get started. “ “ Walsworth gave us the tools that helped us easily conduct a bilingual marketing campaign. In one week, we sold 100 yearbooks! –Carol Mills, yearbook adviser, Eisenhower High School | 800.972.4968 | SS038

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