SOMA Living October 2021



Vibrant, striking, fantasy color hair is not just for celebrities and rock stars. You see these bold looks everywhere, in lots of forms: whether it’s just on the tips, the bottom half of the hair, or even the whole head, more clients of every age and lifestyle are requesting bright hair colors than ever before. Before you decide to try out a bold blue, bubble gum pink, or purple pizzazz for yourself, there are a few important considerations to note. For optimal results, you and your stylist must first consider your natural hair color. If your hair is naturally dark, your stylist will first have to “lift” out the darkness; in other words, lighten it. The extent of the lifting will be further determined by the fantasy color you choose. For example, if you have dark chestnut or black hair, and you’re aiming for a hot pink outcome, your stylist will have to lighten it considerably, making your hair as close to white as possible in order to hold the tonality and eliminate any undertones that may affect the desired color. Remember, too, that vivids are a very high maintenance color. To maintain the vibrancy,

some rules must be followed. First, avoid going into any body of water that may strip the color, such as the ocean or a pool; salt and chlorine can dissipate the color and speed up the fading process. Home care is also a valued step in color maintenance. Selecting a color-safe shampoo and conditioner is your first step; be sure to choose one explicitly without sulfates and alcohol, which can also desiccate the hair and speed the fading process further. When rinsing your hair at home, the water should be cool or at most lukewarm, lest it also result in early fading. Cool water closes the hair cuticle and hot water opens it. These rules should help you maintain your lovely vivid color for as long as possible. If you choose not to follow them, or you cannot, you will probably have to revisit your stylist every three weeks. If you’ve been longing for a beautiful bold color, autumn is the perfect time to give it a try. For better or worse, our days in the ocean and in the pool are behind us (for now), and with the cooler weather comes greater potential for maintaining hair color and getting the most out of your visit to the salon.

Yoni Kreger 973-762-2900



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