SOMA Living July 2022

MEND stands for “Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity,” and is an interfaith network of over twenty member food pantries and community partners located throughout Essex County ( Robin noted, “Part of my job is help transform hunger relief. Boxed and canned goods can help in an emergency, but they aren’t the answer for improving the overall health of a community longer term.” The NJ Economic Development Authority recently designated several towns within Essex County as ‘food deserts,’ highlighting a lack of consistent access to affordable and nutritious food as a key local issue. Robin explained, “MEND works within local communities to listen to their needs, and to work with community leaders and organizations to design specific, responsive programming to meet those needs.” She continued, “Based on community feedback over the last several years, MEND provides access to high quality, culturally relevant, fresh, and healthy food.” In January of 2020, IMPACT 100 Essex awarded MEND a $120,000 grant to create a “Fresh Food Hub” in Orange, NJ. The hub team coordinates fresh food sourcing logistics for their partners. They used the funding to build the initial infrastructure needed – including two walk-in refrigerators and a van - and are now looking to grow and sustain this work as they add partners and expand programming, and as the need remains high. Robin elaborated, “We are eager for more people to know who we are and what we do – and to help support this important work as they are able.” When asked about free time, Robin admitted, “Working and being a mom takes up 99% of my time, but I’m trying to findmore time for myself. I’ve dusted off my running shoes and joined the SOMA Fox Running Club (that selected MEND as a charity partner. I’m running in the Fifth Annual “10Days of 10Ks” organized by local runner, Jessica Lituchy, to support MEND. Anyone can participate as awalker or runner for as fewor as many events from July 8-July 17. As a family, the Peacocks also enjoy traveling together and spending time outdoors. So far, they traveled to Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Africa, Jordan, Panama, and Mexico. For now, they are content to simply enjoy hiking locally, gardening in their yard, and walking their two rescue dogs (Archer and Prince) around town. And because old habits die hard, they also frequent local pizza spots: including, Arturo’s, Village Trattoria, Roman Gourmet, and Sabbatino’s.

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