SOMA Living January 2023

GET TO KNOW STACY FUTTERMAN-TAURIELLO Owner of “5 Point Physical Therapy and Wellness LLC”


STACY FUTTERMAN-TAURIELLO is the owner of “5 Point Physical Therapy and Wellness, LLC”. She started in NYC in 2011 and then opened in Millburn, NJ in 2018. Both practices are still open. Stacy is a physical therapist that graduated from Nova

Southeastern University (FL) with a Masters in PT. Jennifer Lynch (DPT) and Stephanie White (DPT) also work in the NJ office. Jennifer and Stephanie both have 10+ years of experience as PT’s and in pelvic health. First and foremost, 5 Point is a specialty practice in pelvic health and wellness. Specialists treat all aspects of pelvic health including pelvic pain, back pain, hip pain, SI joint pain, and related issues (ex., urinary, bowel, and/or sexual health). In addition, the team treats the pre-natal and post partum population with the care they need and deserve. Unlike other PT groups, 5 points treats all patients 1:1 for 45 – 60 minutes. Each client receives physical therapy that is patient specific for individualized care. 5 points offers both hands on and an exercise approach to treatment. 5 Points strives also to be a vivid part of the SOMA community. This year, they donated to NJPAC and the arts and raffled off packages of PT services. Stacy shared, “We aspire to do even more in the SOMA community.” | (973) 576-2000

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