Rosehill Christian April 2024

Cover Story


DESPITE ONLY BEING A PART OF THE ROSEHILL CHRISTIAN PROGRAM FOR ONE SEASON, GABE VILJOEN LEFT QUITE THE IMPACT ON THE COURT. The senior guard led the Eagles in scoring in 2024, while also being among the team’s leaders in assists and steals. Naturally, as the team captain, Viljoen led RCS to a successful district campaign prior to making an appearance in the TAPPS 3A playoffs. VYPE had the opportunity to catch up with Viljoen as he wrapped up his high school career. VYPE: What got you into basketball and what’s kept you going with it for so long? VILJOEN: I’ve only ever played basketball. What got me interested in the sport was just playing recreationally with some friends. I’ve really enjoyed it, became obsessed with it and there’s nothing else I’d rather do. VYPE: How do define your style of play? VILJOEN: I’m more of a distance shooter. I just catch and shoot – hit a lot of threes. My ball-handling ability is pretty good, so that’s how I like to play. VYPE: Who do you pattern your game after? VILJOEN: JJ Redick out of Duke. He played for several NBA teams over his career,

with my friends. Thankfully, I’ve made a lot of friends at Rosehill, and it’s just great to be around other people. VYPE: What do you hope to see from the team after you graduate? VILJOEN: I just hope they still keep their hopes up, keep competing and play hard every day. That kind of mentality will help them on the court, and outside of basketball as well.

you’ll go insane. VYPE: What do you think has helped set you apart from some other basketball players, or students in general? VILJOEN: I would say it’s been my faith in God. That also feeds into who I am outside of the game. VYPE: What do you do to find that balance or wind down? VILJOEN: I like to hang out

like the Magic, Clippers and 76ers. He was my favorite to watch before he retired. VYPE: What’s your go-to movie or TV show? VILJOEN: My favorite movie is Whiplash. It isn’t always the easiest one to watch, but I love that movie. I related to the main character’s obsession with his craft, but it also displays that you need to have a balance with it in your daily life, otherwise


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