Rose Reader

Nuanced Fragrance Fragrance is the soul of the plant; it is the memory, and an emotion to that memory that binds and gives the rose its infinite endear- ment. This trait alone is greater than any visual beauty that the rose possesses. As Robert Louis Stevenson said “It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, for the eyes will take care of themselves.” Additionally, all roses vary in their fragrance, but those with a distinct and unique fragrance are found in this selection. We have attempted to describe these subtleties here, but understand that some of their allure is their elusiveness and one’s own individual perception.

Independence Musk Sultry, totally decadent, and reminiscent of one’s first kiss or fleeting memory. The fragrant flow- ers are held above the foliage and light up the garden on moonlit nights. 6 to 8 feet Z6-11

Fragrant Blush™ Intensely fragrant of myrrh and Ivory soap. The best quality is her summer bloom power even in the hottest of temperatures. Repeat blooming flowers look delicate but are unscathed by the heat. 4 to 5 feet. Z5-11

Duchesse de Brabant A customer favorite for its fragrant hints of raspberry and blackberry. This large shrub, with its nodding cupped flowers, is thought to be President Teddy Roosevelt’s favorite rose. 4 to 6 feet Z7-11

Autumn Damask Classic perfume of poetic memory, oil from her flowers is still distilled today for Damask perfume. This large shrub blooms spring and again in fall - an unusual bonus for a Damask rose. 4 to 5 feet Z5-11

Beverly - Eleganza® Orange, peach and plum aromas mingle to- gether like a fruit punch.This goregous rose has large, fragrant, vibrant pink flowers with a light reverse that repeat blooms throughout the sea- son. 4 to 5 feet Z5-11

Archduke Charles Banana cream pie may come to mind when you sniff this rose. This large shrub repeat blooms with roses that darken from light pink to crim- son with age. 3 to 5 feet Z7-11

Dee-Lish® This lovely Kordes rose has a strong citrus/rose fragrance and an intense color to match. This shrub has an upright and full growth habit like her Hybrid Tea heritage. Repeat bloom through the season. 5 to 6 feet Z5-11

Madame Isaac Periere One of our most fragrant roses with captivating aromas of damask/raspberry notes with hints of Provencal herbs. Plant as a mannerly climber or peg where she can be a showstopper. 5 to 7 feet Z6-11

Crimson Glory, Cl. A whiff of this heavy Damask rose fragrance can conjure a memory or two. It is one of few roses to win a fragrance award from the Ameri- can Rose Society. This is a repeat blooming climbing rose. 8 to 12 feet Z6-11

Chrysler Imperial This repeat blooming shrub has lovely, long pointed buds that open to globular flowers of dark velvety red. It’s heavy citrus aroma is pow- erfull and buffered with natural floral notes. 3 to 4 feet Z5-11


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