
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with Service Pack 3. Notes: o If no other SQL Server is available, uProduce will be installed by default with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express Edition with Advanced Services. o XMPie software is also compatible with the Standard or Enterprise Editions of Microsoft SQL Server. (If Standard or Enterprise is desired, a license must be provided by the customer.) o Your proposal includes PersonalEffect Analytics Premier or Signature. In order to achieve 3d charts provided with this product, a Microsoft SQL Standard or Enterprise license is required (supplied by the customer). • Internet Browser (for uProduce Dashboard): o Internet Explorer 10 and later, or

o Latest version of Firefox, or o Latest version of Chrome.

Important Notes Performance and Reliability Considerations

To achieve optimal performance and reliable operation of the uProduce server, you are required to install it on a dedicated machine. The uProduce server should not contain any applications that are not essential to the XMPie production. Applications that use IIS and or .NET framework are known to interfere with the proper operation of the uProduce server. An examples of such application includes Microsoft Visual Studio. We strongly recommend excluding non-XMPie software from the uProduce servers. Anti-virus Software 1. Installing and running anti-virus software on the uProduce server environment can cause significant performance degradation and - in some cases - software failures. Therefore, make sure to use a server-based anti-virus product for Windows that is specifically designed for high-performance corporate servers. 2. The uProduce server environment is a closed system (by “closed system” we mean that only uProduce server components are sharing network and file system resources). Therefore, there is no need to install anti-virus software on any uProduce Extension server but only on the Director or Solo server and where the main file system is located (if it’s separated). 3. If you intend to install anti-virus software on the uProduce server environment, make sure to EXCLUDE the following files and folders from being scanned by the anti-virus: » » $:\Temp\ » » %windir%\Temp\ » » C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ » » $:\Users\\AppData\Local\XMPie\


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