QSR September 2022


E D I T O R I A L ED I TOR I A L D I R E C TOR , FOOD N EWS MED I A : Danny Klein danny@qsrmagazine.com MANAG I NG ED I TOR , FOOD N EWS MED I A : Nicole Duncan nicole@qsrmagazine.com D I R E C TOR O F C US TOM CON T EN T: Peggy Carouthers peggy@qsrmagazine.com C US TOM CON T EN T A S SOC I AT E ED I TOR : Charlie Pogacar charlie@qsrmagazine.com C US TOM CON T EN T A S SOC I AT E ED I TOR : Kara Phelps kara@qsrmagazine.com CON T EN T ED I TOR : Ben Coley ben@qsrmagazine.com A R T & P R O D U C T I O N ART D I R E C TOR : Tory Bartelt tory@qsrmagazine.com ON L I N E ART D I R E C TOR : Kathryn “Rosie” Rosenbrock rosie@qsrmagazine.com A D V E R T I S I N G 800 . 6 62 . 4 8 3 4 NAT I ONA L SA L E S D I R E C TOR // E X T E N S I ON 1 2 6 : Eugene Drezner eugene@foodnewsmedia.com NAT I ONA L SA L E S MANAG E R // E X T E N S I ON 1 49 : Edward Richards edward@foodnewsmedia.com NAT I ONA L SA L E S MANAG E R // E X T E N S I ON 1 4 1 : Amber Dobsovic amber@foodnewsmedia.com NAT I ONA L SA L E S MANAG E R // E X T E N S I ON 1 4 8 : John Krueger john@foodnewsmedia.com C I R C U L A T I O N WWW. Q S RMAGA Z I N E . COM/ S UB S CR I B E C I R C U L AT I ON COORD I NATOR : N. Weber circasst@qsrmagazine.com A D M I N I S T R A T I O N GROU P P U B L I SH E R , FOOD N EWS MED I A : Greg Sanders greg@foodnewsmedia.com P R E S I D EN T: SA L E S S U P P ORT // E X T E N S I ON 1 2 4 : Tracy Doubts tracy@foodnewsmedia.com GR AP H I C D E S I GN E R : Erica Naftolowitz erica@qsrmagazine.com P RODU C T I ON MANAG E R : Mitch Avery mitch@qsrmagazine.com


4 3 Smart

20 How to

Strategies for Driving Incremental Sales with Co ee Boost check averages without making SEB PROFESSIONAL

Nail Takeout and Delivery Presentation and Safety Beat some of the most


operations more complex. SPONSORED BY SEB PROFESSIONAL

troublesome o -premises dining concerns. SPONSORED BY GENPAK

57 QSR ’s Restaurant Franchising 2022 These brands are looking for franchisees with which to grow their footprint in 2022 and beyond:

Restaurant Franchising 2022

THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS have been a roller coaster for the franchising industry as a whole, even for brands that don’t necessarily fit within the quick-service restaurant space. As consumers gradually returned to dining out and enjoying more time away from home, brands have also had to con tend with supply chain issues and chronic labor shortages throughout the hospitality industry. And 2022 has brought even more challenges—as well as opportunities. Rising inflation rates have meant higher food and supply costs. On the consumer side, the public is increas ingly focused on finding the right mix of value and quality. Brands that can solve this equation for their customer base are well-positioned to thrive in this new world. Many con cepts are taking advantage of current conditions to expand their footprint with franchising plans. Franchisees are also embracing the moment, building out their portfolios with strong, savvy concepts. This year’s Restaurant Franchising spotlights 15 di†er ent brands—restaurants and otherwise—that are primed for growth. These brands are searching for franchisees who are ambitious and enthusiastic about taking their concept to the next level and beyond.

66 Why Houston’s Hot Chicken Does Things Differently A concept with a unique spin on hot chicken is on the franchising fast track. SPONSORED BY HOUSTON’S HOT CHICKEN 68 The Human Bean Is People First The coffee franchise is laser-focused on growing its values alongside its brand. SPONSORED BY THE HUMAN BEAN 70

76 Slim Chickens Has Over 900 Units on the Way—and Counting QSR magazine’s Breakout Brand of 2021, the fan favorite is showing no signs of slowing down. SPONSORED BY SLIM CHICKENS 78 American Brand Steak ‘n Shake’s undeniable history and ongoing evolution bring a new modern twist to the brand customers know and love. SPONSORED BY STEAK ‘N SHAKE 80 Subway Rolls Out Guest-Centric Restaurant Redesign Iconic brand offers franchisee remodel support. SPONSORED BY SUBWAY 84 The Toasted Yolk Offers Unique Blend of Profit, Work-Life Balance Nobody loves the brunch brand more than its franchisees . SPONSORED BY THE TOASTED YOLK 86 Zunzibar Achieve the American Dream with the Classic

58 Abbott’s Frozen Custard 60 Altitude Trampoline Park 62 Bubbakoo’s Burritos 64 Focus Brands 66 Houston’s Hot Chicken 68 The Human Bean 70 Mici Italian

72 Roy Rogers 74 Russo’s New York Pizzeria 76 Slim Chickens 78 Steak ‘n Shake 80 Subway 84 The Toasted Yolk 86 Zunzibar + Zunzi’s




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58 Abbott’s Frozen Custard Is Heating Up The 120-year-old brand recently signed a franchise agreement for more than 100 new units. SPONSORED BY ABBOTT’S FROZEN CUSTARD 60 ‘Live the Jump Life’ with Altitude Trampoline Park Franchisees with restaurant industry experience could be the perfect fit for this growing franchise. SPONSORED BY ALTITUDE TRAMPOLINE PARK 62


Webb C. Howell MANAG E R , I T S E RV I C E S : Jason Purdy ACCOUN T I NG A S SOC I AT E : Carole Ogan

Now Is the Perfect Time to Grow with Mici Award-winning Italian brand provides a unique offering in the $47 billion pizza segment. SPONSORED BY MICI ITALIAN 72 Roy Rogers Restaurants Offers Timeless Value This chain is ready to share its one-of-a-kind broad appeal across multiple dayparts and generations. SPONSORED BY ROY ROGERS 74 Russo’s New York Pizzeria Brings Back Old School with Flair This authentic, ingredient-driven Italian brand is poised for growth. SPONSORED BY RUSSO’S NEW YORK PIZZERIA

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Ride the Bubbakoo’s Burritos Wave This brand’s top-tier service, innovative customization options, and exceptionally fresh ingredients set it up for massive growth. SPONSORED BY BUBBAKOO’S BURRITOS 64 Power in Numbers Focus Brands leverages its size to reap benefits for franchisees. SPONSORED BY FOCUS BRANDS

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+ Zunzi’s: The Brand with a Motto


Your Fans Will Actually Say 18-year-old award-winning brand now expanding as the “Franchise with Purpose.” SPONSORED BY ZUNZIBAR + ZUNZI’S

Sponsored content in this magazine is provided by the represented company for a fee. Such content is written to be informational and non-promotional. Comments welcomed. Direct to sponsoredcontent@foodnewsmedia.com



SEPTEMBER 2022 | QSR | www.qsrmagazine.com

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