QSR October 2022
Ready Access is your go-to source for Drive-Thru/ Walk Up service windows and air curtains. A trusted market leader for over 40 years, specified by the largest restaurant chains worldwide. The perfect balance of durability, value, and function! All windows feature self-closing operation to meet health code. Please call or browse our website to find the best configuration for your restaurant, including designs for energy efficiency, hurricane impact,
California Retail Food Code, and security. 800-621-5045 | www.ready-access.com
With more than 65 years of design and development experience, The Howard Company focuses on serving its business partners with high-quality drive-thru menu systems and supporting drive-thru lane products. We are the master of the drive-thru lane with branded products that are guest-centric and guaran teed to bring the best ROI. From custom directional signage at the lane entry to clearance bars, canopies, digital or static pre sell boards, and main menuboards including our space-saving All-In-One system (menuboard, canopy, and order-confirmation display), communications systems plus coordinated installation of all product lines, you can look to us to be your one source for all your drive-thru needs. We are continually exploring new in novations to bring 21st century technology to the guest experience for all our partners. Make the Howard Company your one call for all your custom drive-thru lane design and develop ment needs. www.howardcompany.com/Products/DriveThruSolutions.htm
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