QSR October 2022
How This Franchise Group Measurably Improved Operations in Real Time Video surveillance can improve operational efficiency—and provide brand protection.
a concept to focus on and targeted 80 restaurants for review. “Out of a quarter where we had 80 restaurants being au dited,wewouldhaveanywhere froma25 –35percenthit rateonidentifyingbehav iors thatwewanted to address,”Magana says. “We were able to use Envysion’s softwareasa teaching tool, not topunish anyonebut toprovideactionable insights tomanagement. We were able to proac tively identifybehaviorsandtrends, even downto the level of aparticulardaypart. Maybe yourmorning crewdid great, but maybe you had a weaker staff at night, and that’swhereyoustarted to see those opportunities for improvement.Wewere able tohelp the generalmanager and the districtmanagerbetter facilitateandrun their restaurants.” Behavioral audits reviewed specific behaviors likeadherence todresscodeas well asstateandcountyCOVID-19proto cols. “We were able to correct behaviors inreal timeduring theheightof themask mandates and coach throughout our restaurants,”Maganasays. “Wewerealso
R isks to a brand’s reputation are everywhere, especially in the wakeof thepandemic. Customers aremoreawareof securityand hygiene issues thanever before, evenas the restaurant industry’s labor shortage has made it harder for many brands to train new em ployees fast enough. When Chris Magana, director of risk management at WKS Res taurantGroup, decided to integrate security cameraswithEnvysion’s managed video solution across his group’s restaurants, he wanted his teams tounderstandthat itwasmorethanatheftdeterrent. “Itwasabig goal togetmy teamsonboardwiththe idea that theEnvysionplatform is aboutmore thancatchingpeople stealingordoing thewrong thing,” he says. “Wewanted to use it to better control howwe take care of our guests andbetter instill a safety culture inour restaurants.” WKShasmore than300restaurantsacrossfivedi erent concepts, andMagana implemented audits of their operational practices using Envysion’s managed video solution. Each quarter, the group chose
able to improve our drive-thru times by ensuring the prep work was doneaheadof time, andthatwehadenoughpeopledeployedtocertain stations toensureourguestswerebeingservedquicklyande ectively.” Safety audits looked for situations that could lead toworkers’ com pensationclaims, suchas lingering spills on thefloor or blockedemer gencyexits. “Wewerereallyable tohone inonbehaviorsandoversights that were leading to opportunities within our restaurants,”Magana says. “We used these audits as training for the entire enterprise.” Intheend, it’saboutbrandprotection. “Wehavefivedi erentbrand images we want to protect, but ultimately, they all fall under the one franchise logo ofWKS, which stands for ‘WeKnowSuccess,’”Magana says. “We want to be better than what we were yesterday. Envysion helps us see howwe as leaders can do better to truly understand the needs of our employees and the business.” ◗
To learn more, visit envysion.com.
OCTOBER 2022 | QSR | www.qsrmagazine.com
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