QSR March 2023


Digital Success A high-performing digital signage program starts with a solid foundation.

first place,” says William Bear, vice presi dent of sales and marketing at CrimsonAV . “This starts with asking why you want digital signage, and the second part is what you want digital signage to do for you. The third part is ROI expectations and measurements. We call this the busi ness part of digital signage under the umbrella of the objectives.” According to Petrovic, effective digi tal signage programs are driven by strong cross-functional collaboration. This starts with a campaign-level focus on personal ization, selling high-margin items, driv ing repeat business, and so on. It requires a strong content management solution to support business needs across multiple locations and channels, as well as solid integrations with POS systems to make day-to-day operations as smooth as possi ble. Commercial-grade hardware and ser vices plans round out the foundation. Of course, this foundation is built on a rock-solid understanding of one’s cus tomers and their preferences. From there, restaurants can build out messaging and invest in technology that best suits the demands of operators, employees, and guests. “Most people are switching from static signs to having digital and interac tive signage that captures the audience, so with the innovations that you’re seeing with smart technology or with artificial intelligence, you get to identify your client base as they come close to your brand and have a message that’s very much tailored to their needs,” says Shokouh Shafiei, CEO of DSA Signage . These elements create the basis from which restaurants can expand. “Understanding what success looks like, while also planning for scale and innova tion, will ensure the program can evolve as

DSA Signage

D igital signage plays a pivotal role in most restaurant brand strategies. Restaurants use digital displays and software platforms to ensure a cohesive digital customer experience—and a com petitive edge in the market. “Digital signage enables restaurant operators to drive a differentiated brand experience and better connect with their guests through dynamic, engaging con tent delivered via state-of-the-art dis plays,” says Lindsay Petrovic, vice presi dent of hospitality product management at NCR . “This is accomplished through a com bination of hardware, software, and ser vices that drives a complete digital guest experience for restaurant brands, result

ing in faster customer service times and increased margins.” What makes a successful digital sig nage program? The physical components are easy enough to understand—the dis play and mount or kiosk, media player, network connectivity, content, and con tent management. “What is not so simple is a three-part evaluation and the ratio nale for employing digital signage in the “ You get to identify your client base as they come close to your brand.”





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