QSR March 2023
they’re changing their patterns of behav ior to minimize human interactions and increase interactions with screens. As front-of-house operations get more auto mated, the latest innovations in digital signage focus on creating smart, intuitive, user-friendly interfaces with brands. “We are actually seeing new advance ments in automation, such as auto mated order-taking and mobile preorder ing, brought into existing channels,” says Matthew Simpson, head of new prod uct and design at Coates Group . “Using an automated voice service or order ing ahead via mobile, we are seeing less human interaction in the drive thru (or in store), so dynamic and integrated digital signage is key to facilitating and enhanc ing the ordering experience as it becomes the first—and in some cases sole—point of contact and confirmation for the cus tomers. I think digital signage will need to replicate and evoke human connection and emotion in the future of a more auto mated store.” While technology surrounding per sonalization continues to improve and become more accurate, customers may not always want the latest developments right away. Personalization invokes an emo tional response in consumers—whether it’s positive or negative is determined by sentiment in popular culture and individ ual preferences.
the industry and customer sentiment to change to want the level of personaliza tion that is currently available.” Increased personalization can bring benefits for customers and restaurants, although it also comes with increased security risk. Lax security at any data touchpoint, including digital displays, may expose sensitive information—from customers or the business itself—to malicious activity. “The future of digi tal signage must also continue to make advances when it comes to security,” says Theresa Hannen, marketing manager at LSI Industries . “Every connection to a net work is a security risk that has the poten tial to be hacked. While this potential is possible anywhere, operators should be certain to discuss security with every software vendor they work with.” The evidence points to digital signage being highly effective at improving prof itability for a restaurant location. A QSR magazine study from 2021 found that moving away from analog menuboards in the drive thru and adopting digital sig nage helps restaurants increase service volume by 9.1 percent. From the time cus tomers order their food to the time they receive it, digital menuboards can save, on average, 30 to 45 seconds. This helps res taurants increase throughput as well as customer satisfaction. “When done right, digital signage can be an owner’s second strongest resource, right after the value of their employees,” Hannen says. In the past, digital signage was more common at larger concepts due to the larger upfront investment required to install the infrastructure, but as technol ogy advances, it’s getting more affordable— placing the benefits within easier reach for smaller brands. “The future looks like a more affordable digital drive-thru expe rience that can not only improve opera tions for the large quick-service restaurant brands, but also for the independent oper ators as well,” says Dina Veenhuis, busi ness development account manager at Uni Structures . “As it stands, many smaller brands are being left out of the conver sation due to cost-prohibitive technology, but that will be changing soon.” SC
Data sources like loyalty programs, cameras, and geofencing can bring digi tal signage a phenomenal degree of per sonalization if customers are ready. Customers may be more comfortable with some personalized experiences than oth ers, and restaurant leaders must also stay aware of privacy laws. When foodservice brands can find the right mix of person alization for their unique customer base, they’re poised to thrive. “API architec ture drives integrations with many data sources and applications of digital sig nage, i.e., integrating with customer detec tion, geofencing, and computer vision to provide personalized experiences,” says Lindsay Petrovic, vice president of hospi tality product management at NCR . “The future is available now, but it’s waiting on
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