QSR June 2022

SmartChain Restaurant Security & Cash Handling

patrons, and cash handling procedures. A restaurant’s adherence to CDC and its company’s own guidelines, combined with the presence of video surveillance, likely enhanced consumer perception and appreciation of security. Simultaneously, video surveillance served as a manage PHQW DQG YHULਭFDWLRQ WRRO IRU DOO RI WKHVH variables.” ौH SDQGHPLF KDV DOVR EURXJKW VHFXULW\ concerns that, if not exactly new, are get WLQJ LQFUHDVHG DिHQWLRQ ی VXFK DV XQUXO\ customers, busy and hazardous drive-thru lines, and “smash-and-grab” crime. Some EUDQGV DUH ਭQGLQJ VXFFHVV ZLWK FUHDWLYH solutions like GPS tracking devices and virtual guards. “Many operators are opting for alterna tives to traditional security methods like cameras and alarms, choosing instead to implement covert security solutions like GPS tracking to identify and appre KHQG FULPLQDO RਬHQGHUV WR SUHYHQW IXWXUH DिDFNV ە VD\V 6WHYH 6HOO YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI retail sales at 3SI Security Systems . Restaurants are deploying virtual guards with interactive remote video monitoring capabilities designed to over come the limitations of legacy CCTV monitoring and onsite security guard deployment. “It’s fascinating just how PXFK EHिHU D TXLFN VHUYLFH UHVWDXUDQW runs when both employees and guests

know a virtual security guard presence is always on hand,” Foley says. Surveillance around cash handling has DOVR LPSURYHG ی DQG WKLV LV IRVWHULQJ QHZ cultures of accountability. “Strategically placed surveillance cameras now allow owner-operators to not only see currency as it’s changing hands, but it also gives them the ability to see the exact dollar amounts of the cash or the name on the credit cards,” Symonanis says. Camera technology can now take on more than ever. “Operators are adding or adjusting camera views to ensure that the entire path from each POS to the safe or PDQDJHU ۑ V RਯFH LV FRQGXFLYH WR UHPRWH auditing,” says David Floyd, president of National Loss Prevention Solutions . “Newer ,3 FDPHUDV ZLWK D ZLGHU ਭHOG RI YLHZ DQG higher resolution also allow more area to be seen with fewer cameras.” Even security systems are no lon ger designed purely for traditional secu “The growth of the Internet of Things ( IOT ) and the sophistication of connected devices means companies should expect their security systems to provide more than security capabilities.”

rity purposes. “Smart” technology can be strategically deployed to keep watch over other maintenance-related issues that, due to labor shortages, employees may no lon JHU KDYH WLPH WR PRQLWRU ۔ौH JURZWK RI WKH ,QWHUQHW RI ौLQJV ड़ॢ १ ) and the sophistication of connected devices means companies should expect their security systems to provide more than security FDSDELOLWLHV ە VD\V 6FRि ौRPDV QDWLRQDO director for signature brands at Genetec, Inc ۔ौH DELOLW\ WR PRQLWRU UHIULJHUDWLRQ lighting, or HVAC systems, for example, can all be consolidated and visualized in an open architecture security platform to provide insights useful to the business in other arenas.” Analytics tools open up new possibili ties to gather intelligence. “Technologies such as video analytics can help restau rants identify anomalies promptly without UHTXLULQJ KXPDQ PRQLWRULQJ DW DOO WLPHV ە )ROH\ VD\V ۔ौH RWKHU DGYDQWDJH RI XVLQJ video analytics-enabled cameras would be to understand customer behavior. Insights VXFK DV FKHFNRXW ERिOHQHFNV WDEOH SUHI erences, and speed of service can be accu rately measured to optimize restaurant layout, seating arrangements, and order ing experience.” When it comes to security, cash han dling, and beyond, new solutions are changing the game for many brands. ۔




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