QSR June 2022

SmartChain Restaurant Security & Cash Handling

A New World of Security Tech How can operators use technology to gain new insights into their businesses?

F rom ensuring store security and icies are being followed and even gain ing a better grasp on customer behavior, the potential ROI on camera technology, video analytics tools, and other technol ogy is higher than ever before. As restau rants introduce new video systems and other cutting-edge platforms front and back of house, operators are taking full advantage of the possibilities they offer to better understand their restaurants and fine-tune operations. ۔ौH QHZ JHQHUDWLRQ RI DUWLਭFLDO LQWHO ligence (॔ ड़ )-based cameras with power ful edge analytics goes beyond pure secu rity,” says Sean Foley, senior vice president of enterprise security at Interface Security Systems . “No longer a ‘cost of doing busi ness,’ security cameras and infrastruc ture can provide quick-service restaurants with a wealth of business and operations intelligence that informs and validates decisions from restaurant layout to cus WRPHU VHUYLFH DQG VLJQLਭFDQWO\ LPSURYHV WKHLU ERिRP OLQH ە COVID-19 has substantially altered the SDिHUQV DQG KDELWV RI TXLFN VHUYH FXV tomers. “One of the biggest changes is that in-store dining has been substantially reduced,” says Steve Symonanis, vice pres ident of marketing at Big Dog Surveillance Systems ۔ौLV FKDQJH KDV IRUFHG RZQHU operators to rethink security and surveil ODQFH ौHUH LV QR ORQJHU D QHHG IRU ਭYH plus cameras in dining rooms.” ौLV GRHVQ ۑ W PHDQ WKDW VXUYHLOODQFH LV no longer necessary, of course—brands KDYH VLPSO\ VKL़ HG WKHLU VWUDWHJLHV DQG refocused on other areas. “We are now seeing additional cam eras being added in the drive-thru areas,” identifying suspicious POS transac tions to verifying that COVID-19 pol


6\PRQDQLV VD\V ۔6SHFLਭFDOO\ FDP eras are being placed at the pay window and the food pickup window. In addi tion, customers are adding more dedicated license plate cameras to help ensure order accuracy.” As a result of the increased drive-thru cameras, additional monitors are being Additional cameras and monitoring devices are being added in the kitchen and drive-thru areas.

added to surveillance-system packages to properly monitor all of the cameras. Automated technology has become more prevalent in the last two years as quick serves worked to solve pandemic related challenges. “Many restaurants that retained a dine-in option pivoted to a kiosk ordering system, thus eliminating cash and human interaction and increas ing the consumer perception of dining in a safe, secure environment,” says Brandon Dixon, director of national account sales at Guardian Protection . “COVID-19 also increased consumer awareness of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ॖॗॖ ) requirements regarding strict guidelines IRU IRRG KDQGOLQJ VWDਬ LQWHUDFWLRQ ZLWK



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