QSR June 2022
SmartChain Restaurant Security & Cash Handling
WKHLU HQWLUH IRRWSULQW ە &DVK UHF\FOLQJ RਬHUV DQRWKHU ZD\ WR GR PRUH ZLWK OHVV 2QFH RQO\ DFFHVVLEOH WR major chains, advancements in technol ogy and lower price points have opened up the practice to smaller chains. “We DUH VHHLQJ D VLJQLਭFDQW LQFUHDVH LQ RSHU ators purchasing cash recycling devices for use at the point of sale as well as in WKH EDFN RਯFH ە *QRUVNL VD\V ۔ौHVH VROX tions eliminate cash drawers,
has become particularly critical given today’s labor market. We anticipate more of these solutions to integrate technolo gies that accept and dispense cash in addi tion to the non-cash payment methods WKH\ RਬHU ە ोLFN VHUYHV DQG FRQYHQLHQFH VWRUHV still see a larger percentage of cash daily sales than most other retail establish ments. For the foreseeable future, at least,
what their cash position is in their store at any given time, and reconciling their FDVK GHSRVLWV GDLO\ ە VD\V /HQQ\ (YDQVHN senior vice president of retail business development at Loomis . “If a restaurant has smart safe technology, it allows their managers and employees to stay in their restaurants so they can focus more on WKHLU FXVWRPHU ۑ V QHHGV ە ौH DGRSWLRQ RI VPDUW VDIH WHFKQRORJ\
speed up transactions, and free up employee time from manag LQJ FDVK ौH DGYDQFHPHQW LQWR cash recycling means the res taurant can reduce armored car pickup, change orders, and virtu DOO\ HOLPLQDWH LQWHUQDO WKH़ ە Automating cash manage ment allows operators to reduce many of the risks once consid HUHG XQDYRLGDEOH LPSURYLQJ VWDਬ safety, reducing labor costs, and reducing cash shrinkage. “In DGGLWLRQ WR WKHVH REYLRXV EHQHਭWV DQ HਬHFWLYH FDVK PDQDJHPHQW solution that uses smart devices like smart safes or cash recyclers can address a number of other SHUFHLYHG GHਭFLHQFLHV UHVXOWLQJ IURP DFFHSWLQJ FDVK ە VD\V .XUWLV -RKQVRQ GLUHFWRU RI SURGXFW PDQ agement for cash and logistics at Fiserv . “Namely, these devices
Solink Corporation
in the quick-service restaurant space con tinues to grow. Smart safes can provide VLJQLਭFDQW 52, ۔:H ۑ YH VHHQ D VXEVWDQWLDO uptick in deployments over the last two \HDUV ە %DUFOD\ VD\V ۔ौLV LV ODUJHO\ GXH WR more brands seeing the value that smart safes provide their store environment— greater security, increased accountabil LW\ EHिHU XVDJH RI VWRUH ODERU DQG RYHUDOO greater levels of cash intelligence across “With new security technologies, even $2 discrepancies can be found fast enough to PDNH LW SURÀWDEOH µ
cash is here to stay. “Some restaurants are going entirely cashless, but that can be hard for a lot of quick-service restau rants as their clientele are more likely to FDUU\ FDVK ە VD\V -LP )DUUHOO YLFH SUHVL dent of sales at Solink Corporation ۔ोLFN service restaurants are bringing in a lot of technology—not just for security, but also in the kitchen, at the drive thru, and gen HUDOO\ WR LPSURYH HਯFLHQF\ DQG FXVWRPHU experience. Smart safes are one example IRU VHFXULW\ DQG FDVK KDQGOLQJ ە Smart safes are designed to help opera tors reduce the daily hassle of cash man agement. “Smart safes are changing the way restaurants handle cash by eliminat ing the need to drive to banking centers to make a deposit, enabling them to consol idate many banking relationships down to one, giving them the ability to know
provide immediate counterfeit detection, a secure vault for cash storage, timely access to funds through provisional credit, deposit accuracy, and reconcilement and UHSRUWLQJ WRROV ە ौHVH WRROV KHOS RSHUDWRUV KRQH LQ RQ VPDOO GLVFUHSDQFLHV HਯFLHQWO\ ی DQG ZLWK the tight margins that quick-service res taurants typically operate under, every lit WOH WKLQJ PDNHV D GLਬHUHQFH ۔2SHUDWRUV DUH ਭQGLQJ WKDW WKH VPDOO VWXਬ LV QR ORQ JHU WRR VPDOO ە VD\V /LDQQH 1HXIHOG WHU ritory manager at Solink Corporation. ۔(YHQ ਭYH RU \HDUV DJR WKH DPRXQW RI time it would take to uncover and recover LQ WKH़ ZDV WRR ORQJ WR PDNH LW ZRUWK while. With new security technologies, even $2 discrepancies can be found fast HQRXJK WR PDNH LW SURਭWDEOH ە 2I FRXUVH SUDFWLFDO FDVK PDQDJHPHQW
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