QSR June 2022
SmartChain Restaurant Security & Cash Handling
Safety First Customer and employee safety and security have taken the spotlight more than ever.
Solink Corporation
E normous shifts in the quick-ser COVID-19, ongoing labor shortages, and the avalanche of issues they have caused. Through it all, the safety and security of customers and employees have remained top priorities. ۔ौH ELJ WKLQJ LV WKDW KHDOWK EHFDPH D part of safety,” says Lianne Neufeld, ter ritory manager at Solink Corporation . “It is no longer just security that makes cus tomers feel safe in a restaurant, but also the cleanliness and that employees are fol lowing all the procedures. You’re also no longer responsible for the safety of the customer just when they are inside the building, but on the outside of the build vice restaurant industry have taken place over the last two years due to
ing as well because the ‘order online and service to your car’ stream has become a major factor. So, a lot of quick-service res taurants never had cameras outside, but now they do.” Customers are more conscious of safety issues now. “In recent surveys, the num ber one response from guests on what’s important to them was safety,” says Joe 0LJQRQH FKLHI FXVWRPHU RਯFHU DW DTiQ . “Creating checklists around food safety, store cleanliness, and employee protocol are all part of the daily routines of restau rants today.” Aside from the health and safety aspect (which has been universal), the security HਬHFWV RI &29,' VHHP WR KDYH WDNHQ a bigger toll on employees than custom
ers. “Fewer patrons in-house—and less RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU FULPLQDO LGHQWLਭFDWLRQ ی increased active threat situations, put WLQJ VWDਬ DW JUHDWHU ULVN ە VD\V 6WHYH 6HOO vice president of retail sales at 3SI Security Systems ۔ोLFN VHUYLFH UHVWDXUDQWV LQ remote locations with late store hours were especially vulnerable.” 'HVSLWH ORZHU IRRW WUDਯF GXH WR COVID-19, armed robbery continued to pose a threat to quick-service restau UDQWV WKURXJKRXW WKH SDQGHPLF ौH )%, recently ranked restaurants as the eighth PRVW FRPPRQ VHिLQJ IRU YLROHQW FULPH ZLWK UREEHULHV FRPPLिHG LQ “Many of the standard practices and procedures like guard services, video recording, panic alarms, time lock safes,
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