QSR January 2023
S P ON S O R E D B Y R . F . T E C HNO L OG I E S , I N C .
WhyOperatorsAreMovingToward RepairPlans
How headset maintenance can become a controllable expense.
are customized to fit a restaurant brand or franchi see group’s needs and priced accordingly. “Our repair programs provide customers peace of mind,” says Steve Symonanis, vice president of mar keting with R.F. Technologies, Inc. “The programs offer customized coverage that fit the specific need for the number of locations and equipment you have.” Another reason Symonanis believes interest in repair plans has gone up is due to the increased demand in the drive-thru space. That demandmakes it more critical than ever to make sure equipment is up and running. “Staffing is always an issue in the quick-service restaurant industry, but that’s especially true now,” Symonanis says. “You might have store owners or managers working the register or working on the grill. That reallymakes it difficult to train everyone on how to properly use and take care of the equipment, which, “ The programs offer customized coverage that fit the specific need for the number of locations and equipment you have.”
Itwas another trying year in the industry . While drive thru traffic at most quick-service restaurants remained sky high, various other factors threw wrenches in what may have other wise been a home run of a year for many brands—inflated prices, labor costs, as well as other looming side effects stemming from the pandemic created massive headaches across the industry. With somany costs and expenditures out of their control, some operators began to invest in solutions that would offer some sem blance of predictability. For example, repair plans offer an efficient and cost-effective option to help ensure equipment is always up and running. R.F. Technologies, Inc., a drive-thru headset repair company with five service centers across the country, has seen an increase in quick-service locations and franchisee groups using their repair programs for these very reasons. R.F. Technologies’ repair plans
in turn, can cause an increase in needed repairs.” Equipment repaired by R.F. Technologies, Inc. is completed and shipped back to the restaurant location in 24 hours of it being received at one of the company’s five locations. Operators need ing equipment repairs—whether on a repair programor not—can go to the company’s website, rfdrivethru.com, to get a free ship ping label to use to send in their damaged equipment. The labels are automatically addressed to the nearest R.F. Technologies, Inc. location to help provide for the fastest turnaround time. “This is our core competency,” Symonanis says. “We understand that operators don’t have time to be waiting around for equip ment—they need it yesterday. That’s how we conduct our busi ness. We have been working with restaurant operators for over 30 years, acting as a lifeline for over 150,000 quick-service restau rants during that time.” RET
For more information, visit rfdrivethru.com .
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