QSR December 2022

SmartChain POSSolutions

The Modernized POS Not just for counter service anymore, POS systems now power entire brands.

T he point-of-sale system has long since evolved beyond its humble beginnings as a vehicle for handling transactions. Today’s POS systems are all in-one solutions that touch every part of a restaurant’s business strategy. They link the digital world with the physical and serve as the driving force behind most— indeed, if not all—daily operations. “As technology has advanced, POS solu tions have evolved from transactional devices for payment acceptance to full fledged business management systems,” says Ann Cave for Clover . “While payment acceptance and payment security remain foundational to ‘point-of-sale’ interactions, wherever that point may be, contemporary POS devices are helping business owners connect their physical and digital pres ence, improve how they engage with cus tomers, and simplify the day-to-day life of a business owner by streamlining back office operations.” One of the most significant advance ments in POS solutions was the addition of cloud-based services. The cloud paved the way for mobile ordering and POS soft ware-as-a-service: Restaurant operators can now access their POS software on any device with an internet connection. “This has made kiosk technology relevant and available, increasing a brand’s speed of service and improving its CX strategy,” says Savneet Singh, CEO of PAR Technology . With kiosks and other cloud-enabled ordering technology, restaurants can stay flexible, shifting easily between service models on the fly. “Whether that means using handheld POS devices to line-bust, implementing mobile order-and-pay, or pivoting from POS terminal to kiosk, res taurants can choose the right service model for their guests at any given time

without tech limitations,” says Kelly Esten, senior vice president and general manager of enterprise at Toast . The cloud has also transformed the back office. Restaurant operators are finding that many of their tasks can be done remotely with a cloud-based POS. “Operators can open a laptop from home “Operators can open a laptop fromhome and check on inventory or saleswithout having to drive into the restaurant.” Clover


and check on inventory or sales without having to drive into the restaurant,” says David Werner, vice president of product marketing at HungerRush . With the right capabilities or integra tions, a contemporary cloud-enabled POS system can help operators with every thing from menu engineering and staff planning to expanding locations and keeping up with growing demand. In fact, it’s safe to say the cloud is an essential part of doing business in today’s world. “Cloud-based commerce is a ‘must-have’ to not only remain operational but capital ize on changing consumer behavior,” says Sara Basdeo, communications specialist for Lightspeed . The last two years have seen an explo



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