QSR August 2022

SmartChain Kitchen Equipment

The Right Tech, the Right Space What will tomorrow’s kitchen look like?

T he future is closer than it ever has been. Due to ongoing supply chain issues and labor shortages, quick service restaurants are being pressed to innovate faster than ever, introducing new technologies and more automation to make sure the guest experience can still meet and exceed brand expectations. ौHVH FKDQJHV DUH WDNLQJ SODFH LQ WKH front and the back of the house. Customer facing technologies like ordering kiosks aim to deliver seamless, personalized interactions with guests wherever they choose to dine. In the kitchen, automated equipment is designed to streamline food SUHSDUDWLRQ JLYHQ D UHGXFHG VWDਬ In fact, a wide variety of recent kitchen innovations mean the nature of back-of house work is evolving rapidly. As high tech equipment becomes capable of taking on more of the repetitive duties, humans can spend more time on complex tasks. “Automation can help product consistency DQG VSHHG DQG DOORZV VWDਬ PRUH WLPH WR focus on customer interactions, preparing and checking to-go orders, or other activ ities that require a human touch,” says Sean Hsu, co-founder and CEO of Botrista Technology, Inc . At the same time, costs of real estate and kitchen construction are skyrock eting. New restaurant locations are also WDVNHG ZLWK ਭिLQJ LQWR VPDOOHU IRRWSULQWV and operators must rethink store layouts. ۔ौH ELJJHVW FKDQJH WKDW PXVW RFFXU LQ the kitchen is to accept from the design perspective that its footprint must have the same weight or consideration as the front of the house,” says Chef John Reed, owner of Customized Culinary Solutions and partner of Taylor Company . More customers than ever are choosing Rਬ SUHPLVH GLQLQJ VR GLQLQJ URRPV GRQ ۑ W

Taylor Company


need as many tables or seats. Kitchen lay RXWV DUH DOVR EHFRPLQJ PRUH HਯFLHQW DQG modular as operators must make do with IHZHU HPSOR\HHV ौHVH QHZ VPDOO VFDOH kitchen designs assume the presence of RQO\ PLQLPDO VWDਬ DQG GHPDQG WKH XVH RI more automation. “The restaurant kitchen of the future will be a smart kitchen that will innovate and increase production while minimizing space.”

2SHUDWRUV JRW D ਭUVW WDVWH RI WKLV QHZ world over the last couple of years. “In general, labor-saving equipment has been the MVP during the pandemic,” says Evan Prisel, director of sales and marketing at Univex ۔ौH UHVWDXUDQW NLWFKHQ RI WKH future will be a smart kitchen that will innovate and increase production while minimizing space.” ۔5HVWDXUDQW EOXHSULQWV DUH JHिLQJ smaller, kitchens are shrinking, and tech QRORJ\ LV ZKDW ۑ V PDNLQJ WKHVH QHZ IRRW prints work smarter,” says Chad Morrison, senior sales executive at Restaurant Technologies . “Advancements in tech nology are changing the way restaurant kitchens interact with the people who use



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