Product Catalog

Mods / Factory Options

Gearmotors AC / DC Controls Accessories / Kits

L29 Encoder Kits –WATTSAVER ® & SPEEDMASTER ® Motors Two Days

Assemble a stock Encoder Kit on a WATTSAVER motor. Price is for assembly only. Motor and kit are purchased separately. Specify motor and kit numbers. Note: The assembly of an encoder kit on a WATTSAVER motor requires the removal of the external fan. The use of a Blower Fan Kit is strongly encouraged for proper cooling! Assemble a stock Encoder Kit on a SPEEDMASTER ® motor. Includes assembly of conduit box kit ECB175926 on 215T-449T frame motors. Price is for assembly only. Motor and kits are purchased separately. Specify motor and kit numbers. LEESON Motors Only Available on Inverter Duty CTAC ® Motors that have Model Number ending with Q10. Price is for assembly only. Encoder kit, Mounting kit and Motor sold separately. Lincoln Only


NEMA ® Frame 56-215T

Catalog Number

List Price

305 493 557

L29A56215 L29A250320 L29A360400

254T-324T 360T-405T


NEMA Frame

Catalog Number

List Price

217 460 704

143T-215T 254T-365T 404T-449T

L29B140210 L29B250360 L29B400440


NEMA Frame 56-215T

Catalog Number

List Price

Mods / Factory Options X-Ref / Index Tech Information Warnings/Cautions

217 460 704

L29C56210 L29C250360 L29C400440

254T-365T 404T-445T

L30 Blower Fan Kits –WATTSAVER Motors Two Days

Install a blower fan kit on a WATTSAVER motor. Price is for assembly only. Motor and kit are purchased separately. Specify motor and kit numbers . LEESON Motors Only


NEMA Frame 56-215T

Catalog Number

List Price

217 375 554

L30B56210 L30B250320 L30B360440

254T-326T 360T-440T

L31 Conduit Box Kits – Larger Size – Lincoln Only

Install larger size conduit box. AF, MD, SD and SF Model Numbers, S and H Efficiency Codes

Install larger size conduit box. AF, MD, SD and SF Model Numbers, S and H Efficiency Codes



NEMA Frame

Catalog Number

List Price

NEMA Frame

Catalog Number

List Price

187 209 226 257 300 393

171 187 209 226 257 300 393 550

213T-215T 254T-256T 284T-286T 324T-326T 364T-365T 404T-405T

143T-184T 213T-215T 254T-256T 284T-286T 324T-326T 364T-365T 404T-405T 444T-445T

L31A213215 L31A254256 L31A284286 L31A324326 L31A364365 L31A404405

L31B143184 L31B213215 L31B254256 L31B284286 L31B324326 L31B364365 L31B404405 L31B444449

L32 Shaft Grounding Rings – “48” to 182T Frame Two Days

Add shaft grounding rings to LEESON cast iron WATTSAVER ® motors. Cost includes kit and installation costs. Motors sold separately. Not available on 182T, 184T, 213T and 215T ODP WATTSAVER motors.



NEMA Frame 182-4T 213-5T 254-6T

Motor Poles

Catalog Number L32A180 L32A210 L32A250 L32A280 L32A320 L32A360 L32A400 L32A440

List Price


319 343 452 493 539 579 630 834 863

2-4-6 2-4-6

284-6T/TS 2-4-6 324-6T/TS 2-4-6 364-5T/TS 2-4-6 404-5T/TS 2-4-6

444-5T 447-9T

4-6 4-6

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