Product Catalog

Mod-Squad Stock Motor Modification Program

Gearmotors AC / DC Controls Accessories / Kits

L2 Bearing Modifications

Two Days

#L2a Changing shielded bearings to sealed bearings on stock motors. 48-449T, Agricultural motors as well as all Washguard ® duty and Wash-Thru motors have sealed bearings as standard. Note: Adding sealed bearings to motors having grease fittings may not make the bearings regreasable. Grease fittings will be removed and plugged.

#L2b Stock motors with shielded or sealed bearings – replace standard bearings with ones having low-temperature lubricant (Beacon ® #325 or equivalent), with a temperature range of –75°F to +250°F. Standard lubricant has a temperature range of –20°F to +300°F and is considered a high temp lubricant for these motors. Explosion proof motors can only be rated to a –13°F temperature.

NEMA Frame

Catalog Number L2B42 L2B48 L2B56 L2B140 L2B180 L2B210

List Price

NEMA ® Frame

Catalog Number L2A42 L2A48 L2A56 L2A140 L2A180 L2A210 L2A250 L2A280 L2A320 L2A360 L2A400 L2A440

List Price

42 48 56

204 204 204 209 228 243

42 48 56

204 204 204 209 228 243 426 542 712

143T-145T 182T-184T* 213T-215T*

143T-145T 182T-184T 213T-215T 254T-256T 284T-286T 324T-326T 364T-365T 404T-405T 444T-449T

Mods / Factory Options X-Ref / Index Tech Information Warnings/Cautions

*Rolled steel, cast iron or aluminum motors Note: Not available on Washdown Duty Motors Note: *IEC motors with equivalent frame sizes are also applicable for this Mod Note: *Cannot modify Stainless Motors for L2b modification

1,262 1,308 1,742

#L2c Change bearing grease on cast iron motors with open- type regreaseable bearings. Endbells and bearings are purged and repacked with low-temperature grease (Beacon #325 or equivalent) with a temperature range of -75°F to +250°F or high-temperature grease (Dow Corning ® DC44M or equivalent) with a temperature range of -40°F to +400°F. Specify grease to be used. Check with LEESON to verify the motor can operate in the temperature range required! LEESON Motors Only.

#L2d Install insulated bearings to protect inverter-driven motors from inverter-sourced shaft voltages. May not be installed on Division 1 or Division 2 hazardous locations. Contact factory for lead time on installing insulated bearings.

NEMA Frame

Catalog Number L2D140 L2D180 L2D215 L2D250 L2D280 L2D320 L2D360 L2D400 L2D440

List Price

506 606

143T-145T 182T-184T 213T-215T 254T-256T 284T-286T 324T-326T 364T-365T 404T-405T 444T-449T

1,780 1,895 1,895 2,058 2,103 2,128 2,358

NEMA Frame

IEC Frame

Catalog Number L2C250 L2C280 L2C320 L2C360 L2C400 L2C440

List Price

254T-256T 284T-286T 324T-326T 364T-365T 404T-405T 444T-449T

391 437 610 652

160 180 200 225 250

1,044 1,434

Beacon is a trademark of APDN Inc. Dow Corning is a trademark of Dow Corning Corporation. NEMA is a trademark of National Electrical Manufacturers Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


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