from getting enacted, something that would not have happened if it weren’t for groups like this. RS: How are the Illinois Soybean Growers different from the checkoff? Are my checkoff funds used as political contributions? RK: The Illinois Soybean Growers is a 100% voluntary membership organization. Our membership costs go towards advancing issues that allow us to continue to produce with as little regulatory interference as possible, as well as preventing harmful legislation from becoming law. The Illinois Soybean Board oversees the checkoff funds used for research and education only, completely separate from the membership fund. Checkoff funds are not allowed to be used for any type of advocacy or political contributions. RS: Why is it so important as a farmer or agriculture business to join commodity groups like the Illinois Soybean Growers? RK: I believe it is extremely important to have your voice heard from your own perspective. This helps with the
checkoff investments in education, but especially for policy direction of the association. We need both agribusinesses’ and farmers’ input to make the best decisions on research, education and legislation going forward. I know we can achieve more when we are working together for a common purpose. RS: How does growing the Illinois Soy bean Growers membership base advance the conversations around agriculture and policy? RK: There is definitely strength in numbers. The more people we have lobbying in Springfield and D.C., the more impactful we become. We are extremely influential now but with more members we can do so much more. Illinois is the top crop-producing state in the nation and one of the largest in the world. It is imperative that Illinois farmers are at the table when legislation relating to agriculture is being negotiated. We need to educate our legislators on the important role we play in providing high-quality, affordable food to feed the world. Our legislative action center, Voice for Soy,
gives our members direct access to communicating with elected officials where they can make calls and send letters to advance policy initiatives. RS: Who should join Illinois Soybean Growers? RK: All soybean farmers and agribusi nesses, and quite frankly, anyone who cares about the future of agriculture and wants to make a positive impact. What a powerful organization we can be with everyone’s participation! RS: How much does it cost to become an Illinois Soybean Grower member? RK: We recently reduced our annual membership down to $75 (from $150) to make it more affordable for folks to join and it has been worth every dollar!
Become an Illinois Soy bean Grower member today by going to the organization's website,, or by contacting Ashley Barry at 309-660-5492,
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