Penders General Music 18-19
Ice Breakers Valerie Lippoldt Mack
Know Your Rhythms Veronica Harper Grades 3-6 Students learn note values and time signatures. Partner games and activities, like building Note Value Pizzas and Rhythm Erase; crosswords and ear training; instructional PowerPoints, worksheets and assess- ments. All of the reproducibles are in the PowerPoints, and the written activity answers appear on them. Game Collection w/PPT/Repro 20251810 $25.00 Music Centers
Game Collections (cont’d)
Ice Breakers is a collection of 60 tried-and-true activities from the classroom of a long-time music educator. The book is divided into sections that include communication, energizers, problem solving, trust building, goal setting and building respect, to encourage your students to be focused, positive-minded musicians. Game Collection 19116600 $12.99 Ice Breakers 2 Valerie Lippoldt Mack 64 more games & activities designed to build teamwork, energize and focus the kids. Includes 6 sections: 1. Icebreakers: Remixed! Great variations on familiar games such as Simon Says; 2. Stress Busters : Solving Problems as a Team; 3. Creative Activities : Thinking Outside the Box; 4. Retreat Makers : Building Relationships; 5. Life Lessons : Establishing Respect; 6. Holiday Games : Celebrating. Game Collection 19116610 $12.99 Ice Breakers 3 Mack & Udland
Games Groups and Gems
Chris Judah-Lauder Grades K-6 These activities will have your students moving, singing, playing, and learning! Strengthen teacher- student and student-teacher relation- ships, encourage active participation, and cultivate excitement for learning by teaching through games and
Veronica Harper Grades 3-6 Kits include complete class sets of colorful, eye-catching and exciting game boards developed to teach dynamics, tempo, note names and symbols. They contain reproducible worksheets, assessments and activities as an added money- saving bonus. Game boards can be
groups with this collection of absolute gems from master teacher Chris Judah-Lauder. PowerPoint presentations and reproducibles are included on the Data CD to save you valuable planning time. Game Collection LO751053H $19.95 Games That Sing Beausoleil & Wells Grades PreK-1 This collection includes songs for imaginative play, transitions, quieting down, and more. The authors also share advice and guidance on ways to successfully implement these activi- ties in your classes. An entertaining listening CD is included, along with the scores and lesson suggestions. Game Collection w/CD 22876600 $16.95 Games With Get Up And Go
enjoyed by beginners and advanced students, with 6 centers and enough game boards that everyone in the class can play! There are four different games in Kit #1 and five in Kit #2. Kit 1 Game Collection 23565800 $25.00 Kit 2 Game Collection 23565801 $25.00 Combined Kits 1 & 2 23565810 $40.00 Music Center Handbook Danielle Bayert Grades K-6
67 No Prep, No Prop Activities! Students today need to feel they belong and to know they are an important and crucial part of the team. Long-time educator and author Valerie Lippoldt Mack brings her brilliance in teaching, recruiting and inspiration with IceBreakers 3, clearing the way for learning by instantly bringing about conversation
Divide your class into small groups and rotate them through a wide range of engaging musical activities. That’s the goal of this ultimate learning center resource. Detailed directions include a list of materials, repro- ducible templates, and step-by-step instructions for assembling the creative stations. And complete lesson
Jeanette Morgan Grades K-6 This collection of ten interactive games and activities will let you easily gauge who knows what in a fun and fast way that keeps students so engaged that they won’t even know they’re being assessed. Activities include musical skills from reading notation and simple melodic dictation
and making personal connections. These specific IceBreaker activi- ties encourage the building of relationships as well as accepting and understanding differences. Sections include: Meet and Greet, Races and Relays, Listen and Learn, Celebrating Diversity, Problem Solving, Support and Appreciate, Additional Tech Support . Game Collection HL35031235 $14.99
plans clearly outline the objectives and activities for each. Book w/CD AL00-44468 $24.99 Music Fun for the Little Ones Grades PreK-2 This collection addresses the challenge of finding relevant worksheets for younger music students with a variety of activities including crisscross puzzles, hidden codes, word searches, and more. Music concepts include basic note names, instrument recog- nition and families, musical styles, famous composers, dynamics terms, tempo terms, and melodic direction. Game Collection LO75/1020L $14.95 Music FUNdamentals D. Brian Weese Grades 2-6
to playing the recorder and more. Templates, projection pages, and manipulatives on the included CD make it easy for you to start using these activities right away. Game Collection w/Repros 24384600 $14.95 Gotta Have Games
Know Your Music Terms & Symbols Veronica Harper
Foreman & Luppens Grades K-8 Refresh your general music classes with this collection of 25 games, including relay races, memorization tasks, one-on-one competitions, board games, and more for elemen- tary and middle school students. Taken from the classrooms of two veteran general music teachers, these clever activities are designed
Teach tempo terms and symbols, dynamic terms and symbols, repeats, and review other key music theory elements. Students love the Tempo Trivia Bingo, Expression Tic-Tac-Toe, and Repeat Concentration games! The worksheets are also provided as PowerPoints and Smartboard files. Game Collection w/PPT/Repro23232200 $25.00 Know Your Now includes PowerPoints for every worksheet! 50 kid-tested activities help your students learn their note names in the treble and bass clef. A wide variety of reproducible activities are included: Create a Word • Matching • Silly Stories • Crosswords • Games • Flashcards. Game Collection w/PPT/Repro 20251801 $25.00 Note Names Veronica Harper
to be integrated into your existing curriculum to reinforce and review the musical concepts you’re already teaching. Each game includes clear student learning targets, complete instructions for game assembly and play, and reproducible templates for easy use. Teacher AL00-46834 $24.99
Enjoy working your way through these 44 fabulous worksheets that reinforce melodic and rhythmic concepts. Every game includes at least three levels, making it perfect for the music teacher or music substitute.
Game Collection w/Repro 21967100 $14.95
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