Penders General Music 18-19
Musicals & Programs
Bullied Murray & Cassils
Best Self! Best Work! Best World! Jacobson & Huff 25 Minutes Grades 3-6 Be your best! Join us as we dedicate ourselves to always try to take the high road, and treat our friends, family and even strangers with courtesy and respect. To be a real champion means to share the gold
Bullied shows how bullying can occur everywhere, even on another planet! Bullied can be read in the classroom as a reader’s theatre or drama activity, or, if desired, it can be on stage as a scripted reading. Dargo and his two buddies are the school bullies throwing Jupiter dust in Towana’s face. The script explores why bullying
The Adventures of Lewis & Clark Emerson & Jacobson 45 Minutes Grades 3-9 Join Lewis and Clark, their compan- ions, and their trusty dog Scannon, in their historic journey to chart the new territories of the Louisiana Purchase. 8 original songs and a delightfully- entertaining script. Songs include:
at the end of our rainbow so that everyone gets a chance to be their best! This all-in-one collection comes complete with fully accompanied songs, choreography, reproducible singer sheets, and short connecting narration for a variety of performance options. Book w/Enhanced CD HL00144479 $34.99 Bremen Town Jam!
happens and strategies that the bullied can use. Songs include It Hurts • Alone Is The Game I Play • Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me • We Have You By Our Side and Confidence Song . The book/CD includes performance/accompaniment tracks, piano/ vocal score, reproducible script and vocals, and projectable PDF. Book w/Enhanced CD TVC22 $30.00
Fork in the Road • Let’s Make a Deal • Life’s ‘Ruff!’ • O! the Joy! • The Ballad of Lewis and Clark • This is Our Home • Tumblin’ Waters. Teacher’s Manual 8610604 $19.99 Singers 5-Pak 8610613 $17.99 Accompaniment CD 8610621 $49.99
A New Take on a Classic Road Trip
Character Street Andy Beck & Brian Fis
Jacobson & Higgins Grades 1-3 Join a pair of modern day Brothers Grimm and a delightful re-telling of their famous take on the classic tale, the Bremen Town Musicians. In this musical version, you will meet the same lovable characters from the
Grades 3 & up Today is Fuzzy Monster’s birthday! As Gaby, Theo, Daffodil, and other neighborhood friends prepare for a surprise party, our colorful cast of characters learns many important life lessons. Eight scenes and unison songs focus on good judgment, kindness,
American Voices Emerson & Jacobson 35 Minutes Grades 4-8 Present history with this inspiring musical revue. Songs: American Voices • Americana Medley • Won’t You Come Do the Charleston? • The New Deal Jump • I’ll Be Home Real Soon • We’re on a Rock and Roll • We Shall Overcome/This Little Light of Mine • Peace Love and Brotherhood. Director’s
original story, a Donkey named Chocolate and his friends the hound, cat and rooster as they make their way to Bremen Town to join other musicians in an unforgettable JAM session. Along the way, they’ll meet a ridiculous room of rascally robbers who need to be taught a lesson. In the end, all will learn the value of sticking together with your friends and making beautiful music together.
courage, perseverance, responsibility, self-discipline, integrity, and respect. Optional stage puppets steal the show! Approximately 35 minutes. Titles: Here on Character Street • It’s Easy • I Just Want You to Care • Courage • Keep Tryin’ • Responsibility • Self-Discipline • I Will Live with Integrity • Respect. Teacher’s Manual AL00-41755 $34.99 Accompaniment CD AL00-41756 $49.99 Director’s Kit w/CD AL00-41757 $69.99 Character Traits Murray / Cassils
Kit includes teacher’s manual with choreography, script, produc- tion guide and teaching objectives, plus 20 student books and CD. Teacher’s Manual 23899800 $19.99 Director’s Kit w/CD 23899810 $119.99 Singers 5-Pak 23899813 $19.99 Accompaniment CD 23899821 $59.99 At The Bandstand Albrecht et al When Rockin’ Robin, host of the hit TV show At the Bandstand!, announces an on-air dance-off to join the popular Bandstand Kids, Cindy and her gaggle of girlfriends jump at the chance! But in order to succeed, Cindy will need to out-shine the spoiled daughter of the show’s corporate sponsor. This easy-to-stage musical is an absolute blast, with familiar 50s songs, clever characters, and hilarious punch lines to spare! Director’s Kit w/CD 24678801 $69.99 Bada Bing, It’s Spring! Jill Gallina Grades K-4
Director’s Kit HL00232653 $79.99 Teacher’s Manual HL00232651 $39.99 Accompaniment CD HL00232652 $49.99 Broadway Beat
Anderson/Miller/Higgins Grades 4-8 This revue features kid-friendly arrangements and fun facts about Broadway. Extend learning further with a Broadway timeline, board game, and excerpts spanning more than a century of song and dance. Songs: You Can’t Stop the Beat • Give My Regards to George M. Cohan • Seventy-Six Trombones • I Whistle
Character Traits is a musical revue that teaches about character through use of magical hats. Jennifer Lynn finds herself in the mysterious maze of “Life Situations.” By her side is a hat maker who has a box of magic hats. Each hat represents a positive human character trait that, when worn, empowers the wearer to
a Happy Tune • For Good • Seasons of Love • We Go Together. Director’s Kit includes Teacher’s Manual, 20 Student Books, and Performance/Accompaniment CD. Teacher’s Manual 22901000 $19.99 Singers 20-pak 22901013 $29.99 Accompaniment CD 22901021 $49.99 Director’s Kit w/CD 22901039 $79.99 Bugz Jacobson & Higgins 20 Minutes Grades K-4
demonstrate that particular trait. At the end of the maze she realizes she doesn’t really need to wear all six hats to be a better person. It is the character traits in her heart that matter most. Songs include Responsibility • Courage • Integrity, • Kindness • Self-Discipline and Perseverance . The book/CD includes performance/accompaniment tracks, piano/vocal score, reproducible script and vocals, and projectable PDF with audio links. Book w/Enhanced CD TVC26 $30.00 Cinderella... If The Shoe Fits Sally Albrecht 25 Minutes Grades 3-6 The all-time favorite fairy tale told with fun and flair! Rhyming narrators, singing Villagers, friendly animals, energetic Messengers, the haughty Stepmother and Stepsisters, the irresistable Fairy Godmother, lovely Cinderella and, of course, a charming Prince. Oh, and everyone lives happily ever after! Director’s Kit w/CD AL00-43433 $69.99
Spring is just around the corner, but the flowers have yet to bloom. The children are waiting for nice weather, the weeds have popped out of the earth, but the flowers remain steadfastly hidden underground. It takes the clever Dandelion Queen to figure out why, and bring about the first blossoms of the season! The
There’s going to be a picnic! The Lady Bugs are in charge of etiquette, the Army Ants will handle security, the Fireflies are in charge of lighting, and entertainment will be provided by the Bumble Bees. But what’s this!?! The Stink Bugs want to come
unison songs, brief rhyming script, creative costume ideas, and simple staging suggestions will make your primary production a snap. Reproducible student pages, full performance and accompaniment recordings, plus full-color cover art are included on the enhanced CD. Dir Kit w/Enh CD AL00-46824 $69.99 Teacher AL00-46825 $34.99 Enhanced CD AL00-46826 $49.99
too! Buzz on over to the country-style hoedown and help the critters rescue the party. Songs: Goin’ on a Picnic • Be a Lady • Firefly • March of the Army Ants • Things Change. Director’s Kit w/CD 11624814 $89.99
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