price, and she cared passionately for her patrons and employees. “Mary knew everything that was go ing on everywhere in the Barn. She even knew everyone’s lines! We all learned so much from her. “Mary’s humor is enduring, as well. “She inspired us with many quotes, but my favorite was, ‘You’re not bleed ing. Get out there!’” Tyler Bishop , now a musician, was a “barn kid” who considered Simon a beloved mentor: “The Barn was my home. We really were one big ol’ somewhat dysfunction al family. And Mary Simon was our mom. “You didn’t need to meet Mary to know who she was. She was a legend! “I remember once, Mary approached me about playing drums for the shows. I told her I didn’t really consider myself a drummer. Her response was, ‘Well you’re always going around banging on

stuff, so why don’t you give it a try?’ I became the house drummer for every musical at the Barn for 10 years.” ‘SHE GENUINELY BELIEVED IN BEING POSITIVE, EXERCISING SELF-CONTROL, MAKING THE OTHER GUY LOOK GOOD AND BEING GENEROUS’ — Liz Pollack Liz Pollack is a loyal Barn patron, Simon friend and caregiver: “Our friendship came easily and deepened quickly. I soon discovered that Mary’s belief in God was her driving force. She genuinely believed in being positive, exercising self-control, mak ing the other guy look good and being generous. “When Mary was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, she met the diagnosis with dignity and strength.

If you asked how she was feeling, she would always say, ‘A little rough but hanging in.’ “I moved in with Mary in December 2022 to transport her to appointments and keep her company. Mary’s last few months were difficult, but she contin ued to keep her faith. When people would text or call, she did what she always did: turn the conversation to let them know they were loved and special to her. “Mary’s lasting legacy is more than just a dinner theater. It’s how dearly she touched the lives of all she met.’”

Katie Faley is a Peoria native — Notre Dame High, Class of 2013 — who moved away following college but returned with a fuller appreciation of her home town. She works at OSF HealthCare

Christmas IN CANTON

DECEMBER 1, 2023 5-8PM

NOV. 25TH - DEC. 30TH 5:30-8:30PM

CHRISTMAS Walk Hosted by:

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