A R D O R A F T E R D A R K D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 A R D O R B R E A D S A N D P R O V I S I O N S People, places & parties
Hosted in the same space as Downtown Peoria's award-wining Ardor Breads and Provisions, #ardorafterdark launched in late 2021. The new dinner series dims the lights and burns the candles to welcome guests into the European-style bakery for private, chef-served dinners plated in an open kitchen setting. #ardorafterdark was born through a consistent request for private dinners after hours and small groups of 8-12 during a difficult and fearsome time in the pandemic. The private dinners are still primarily reserved through special requests for groups of 8-16, but Ardor is now hosting a few pop-up dinners a month with very special chef collaborations and adventurous, elevated 5-course experiences...and they sell out very quickly. Photos by Jeffery Noble
Chef Cody Scogin
L-R: Chefs Joshua Lanning and Cody Scogin
Library Staff: Back row, left to right: Allison Ossman (by Will Smith) and Jacob Roberts Middle: Cynthia Smith, Lincoln Branch manager (by the Obamas) Front: Shari Welch (by Kamala Harris)
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