LEFT TO RIGHT: OSF’s mission partners began occupying the Adams Street offices in January, OSF HealthCare CEO Bob Sehring takes in the spectacular view from his office, George Manias has been polishing shoes and selling hats in Downtown Peoria for 75 years

said Michael Freilinger, president and CEO of the Downtown Development Corporation. “The relocation of OSF’s Headquarters to downtown Peoria is an example of corporate leadership and investment. “This is another giant step forward … I am excited about our future.” Chris Setti, CEO of the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council, also sees the project as a catalyst, especially coming out of COVID. Between the headquarters and OSF’s Cancer Therapy Center – health care now is the region’s largest employer – “adding to downtown’s daytime population is incredibly important,” he said. “A vibrant downtown Peoria is not just important to the city, it is critical to the entire region … Investments like OSF’s are important to build momentum and

help showcase the region to potential businesses and individuals.” For another local institution, albeit a human one, it’s a potential career extender. At nearly 91, George Manias has been operating his Shoeshine and Hatters business in Downtown Peoria for 75 years, the last 34 of those at his current 101 SW Adams location, in the shadow of the new headquarters. He’s been around long enough to have put a fine polish on the shoes of every Illinois governor since 1952 – and a few U.S. presidents, as well – and he well remembers when Downtown’s sidewalks were truly busy and buzzing. It’s been a while, which is why he’s thought about calling it a career. But now there are signs of life, OSF’s CEO is a customer, and he’s hopeful he might bring along some co-workers the next time. VITAL STATS GENERAL CONTRACTOR: POINTCORE Construction ARCHITECT: PSA Dewberry BUILDING SIZE: 275,865 square feet over seven levels and sub-basement WORKERS: 800 trades people across 56 trade partners, dedicating 350,000 on site hours to the project

He’s not making any promises – “It’s up to the guy up there” – but he’d love to celebrate his 100th birthday right here, polish and cloth in hand. With the big white building across the street, the odds have improved. Ultimately, a building was restored here, but this also is about restoring a community’s pride. Once upon a time, Peoria was a vaudeville city, awhiskey city, amuscle flexing river city that manufactured products and exported people that changed the world. It had big-time ambitions. “This town had a lot of swagger,” said Mormann. “We gotta bring it back.” Mike Bailey is editor-in-chief of Peoria Magazine.

NAME: OSF HealthCare Mission Headquarters ADDRESS: 124 SW Adams St.

FEATURES : More than 350 Chicago style windows, 350 columns and capitals, a new center stairwell weighing 45 tons, 181 miles of electrical conduit (distance from Peoria to Indianapolis), 121 miles of data cable (equal to the distance from Peoria to Chicago), 64,000 sheets of drywall, 3,700 gallons of paint.

COST: $135 million for renovation of the building itself, including $26 million in historic tax credits, $150 million for entire block


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