October 2015

highest court will begin at 6:00 p.m. fol- lowed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. CBA Presi- dent Patricia Brown Holmes and ISBA President Unberto Davi will co-host the dinner and Justice Anne M. Burke will deliver remarks on behalf of the Court. Tickets for the black tie optional dinner are $125 per person, and may be ordered at www.isba.org/jointmeeting . For more information about this year’s dinner, contact KimWeaver at kweaver@isba.org. Illinois Judges Association Annual Luncheon Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan will be the keynote speaker at the Illinois Judges Association’s Annual Lunceon Meeting on Friday, December 11 at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers. Illinois Judges Association President Robert J. Anderson will preside at the luncheon. Tickets are $85 per person, and may be ordered through IJA Executive Director Kathleen Hosty at 312/431-1283 or ija@ chicagobar.org. Congratulations Thomas A. Demetrio will receive the Hel- lenic Bar Association’s Lifetime Achieve- ment Award at the groups 65 th Annual Scholarship Ball on November 7 at the Sheridan Hotel &Towers… Aurora Abella Austriaco was inducted into the Chicago Filipino Asian American Hall of Fame... Chief 7 th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Diane P. Wood participated in Roosevelt University’s Montesquieu Forum “The Magna Carta and the Idea of Due Process”...Cook County State’s Attorney Anita M. Alvarez was named Latina of the Year by the Hispanic National Bar Association...U.S. Attorney Zachary T. Fardon and his office received the Better Government Association’s Watchdog Award... Gabriel A. Fuentes received the National Hispanic Bar Association’s Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year Award. Presiding Judge Shelly Sutker-Dermer becomes the new president of The Jewish Judges Association...Justice Mary Jane Theis received the Seymour Simon Justice Award, and U.S. District Court Judge Milton I. Shadur received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Jewish Judges Association of Illinois. Judge


The CBA Chorus and the NewYork City Bar Chorus will performa concert,“AToast toTwo Cities,”on Saturday,

November 7, 2015, at 7:30 p.m., at St. James Cathedral, 65 E. Huron Street, Chicago. The performance will

feature Americanmusic in its many forms, including folk, spiritual, musical theater, jazz and gospel.Tickets

are $12 in advance ($10 for students), $15 at the door. Purchase tickets online at www.CBAchorusTOAST-

toTWO.brownpapertickets.com. If you have questions, Dorothy Voigt at dvoigt@sdflaw.com.

I was appointed by a federal judge to assist a young woman in a criminal case. The client could have been viewed as obstructive, belligerent, and uncooperative. Drawing on my judicial experience in juvenile court, I eventually was able to draw out relevant and valuable information that had otherwise not been known to the federal prosecutor or the judge. Working together, we arrived at the

just, and therefore correct, result in her matter. In the end, my client was so pleased that she brought to court flowers, smiles and hugs for a result that she also believed was fair. It was gratifying knowing that I had helped her in that way.

Patricia Brown Holmes

Partner, Schiff Hardin President, The Chicago Bar Association

The Chicago Bar Association & The Chicago Bar Foundation’s 2015 Pro Bono Week Oct 26-30

Rise Above Your Narrow Confines www.chicagobar.org/probonoweek


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