October 2015
YOUNG LAWYERS TO ADDRESS DISTRACTED DRIVING AMONG TEENAGERS End Distracted Driving Initiative Launches in October By Linda Heacox, Public Affiairs Director
A ccording to 2014 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each day in the United States more than 9 people are killed and 1,153 people are injured in crashes caused by a distracted driver. Young, inex- perienced drivers are particularly at risk for distracted driving incidents. The CBA’s Young Lawyers Section is partnering with the Casey Feldman Foun- dation (http://www.caseyfeldmanfounda- tion.org/) to end distracted driving in Chi- cagoland. This school year, young lawyer volunteers from the YLS will visit high schools and present to students–in small driver’s ed classrooms and large assemblies alike–on the dangers of distracted driving, using a PowerPoint presentation that has been empirically tested to change attitudes
as possible this year to curb this epidemic,” said Passen. NewTrier High School inWinnetka, IL was the first school to host YLS attorneys on October 9. The YLS is working with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to imple- ment this program in high schools across Chicagoland, and will also target charter and private high schools across the state.
and behavior among teenagers. This program launched on Friday, Octo- ber 9, with a reception from 5:00–7:00 p.m. at Association headquarters, with special guest Joel Feldman, founder of the Casey Feldman Foundation and the End Distracted Driving Initiative (http://www. enddd.org). YLS Chair Matthew Passen, who is a trial lawyer at Passen LawGroup, explained the program as a focused effort to educate young drivers on the perils to themselves and others of distracted driving. “This will be our first year working on this important initiative to End Distracted Driving. We’re very impressed with what Joel Feldman and his partners have put together. With the information EndDD.org provides, we will reach as many high schools students
To learnmoreabout our initiativeor
to schedule apresentationat ahigh
school, contact yls@chicagobar.org
or call 312/554-2031.
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14 OCTOBER 2015
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