ORNL FCU 75 Years


ORNL Federal Credit Union gives credit to the following sources of information used in the research for writing this book:

Atomic Heritage Foundation, The National Museum of Nuclear Science and History. ahf.nuclearmuseum.org. John, C. W. and C. O. Jackson. City Behind the Fence . Manhattan Project National Historical Parknps.gov/mapr/index.htm. “The Manhattan Project.” Life magazine. August 20, 1945. National Credit Union Administration. MyCreditUnion.gov. NCUA Annual Report, 1979. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Fifty-Year Annual Report. Oak Ridge National Laboratory website and newsletter content. ornl.gov. Oak Ridger news publication. oakridger.com. Oliver, Mark. Inside The Top-Secret World of Oak Ridge, the Small Town that Helped Make the Atom Bomb . ATI, July 2019. Robinson, George O. The Oak Ridge Story . US Department of Energy website and photo archive content. energy.gov.


Susie Riley is a writer and communications specialist with more than thirty years’ experience helping people articulate their thoughts and memories to craft the stories that need telling. Insatiably curious with a sharp editorial eye and a strong attention to detail, she lives in Chattanooga with her husband, silly basset, and a collection of four hundred plus plastic windup toys. When not writing, she perpetually explores the Internet in search of the ultimate brownie recipe, continues her attempts to master the harmonica, and follows her beloved Boston Red Sox.


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