ORNL FCU 75 Years

OUR PARTNERS SAY . . . The relationship between ORNL Federal Credit Union and the United Way of Anderson County goes all the way back to the beginning days of, what was then, the United Trust - founded just ten years after the credit union opened their doors. The longstanding commitment that ORNL FCU has with the Oak Ridge and Anderson County community is, quite simply, unmatched for many reasons. Outside of the millions of dollars invested in nonprofit organizations through community donations, employee volunteer hours each year impact agencies and clients in deeply meaningful ways. ORNL FCU is weaved into every area of success the United Way of Anderson County has—from being at the top of each fundraising campaign, to strong and reliable board members, committee members and volunteers at all our events and community days of action. Most recently, ORNL FCU made it possible for United Way of Anderson County to realize our dreams of having beautiful office space, fully catering to all our mission-driven needs, including a community room for trainings and events. The United Way of Anderson County vision of a community where every

person has an equal chance at a bright future will only be made possible with donors as dedicated and invested as ORNL FCU! NAOMI ASHER Executive Director United Way of Anderson County


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