NOCTILUCA September 2016
nor thnoct . com @Nor thNoct
Appleton, Wisconsin
September 2016
Issue I
Whenever I’m asked to de- scribe what I enjoy most about Appleton North, I say the op- portunities offered. Because there are a lot of them, oppor- tunities that is. As a young freshman these opportunities could seem over- whelming; as a senior perhaps they’re a bit under whelming. Regardless of their percep- tion, these opportunities exist in service of all students. And it’d be naïve not to take ad- vantage of them, to challenge high school’s stereotypical lull through active engagement. It’s one thing to attend class and do homework, it’s another to immerse yourself in fulfilling activities. Participation in the myriad of clubs, sports, and activities of- Involvement is key in high school By Nora Ptacek cietal narrative, you cannot and should not do something solely to pad a resume. Because ulti- mately, why invest your time in something you have no passion for? Time is one of the most rare and valuable resources and must be used thoughtfully. After becoming involved in many activist related organi- zations such as Youth in Gov- ernment, Student Council, and the school paper I realized sur- face level involvement was a hinderance and stepped out of Student Council despite its un- deniable value – an important lesson I learned about balance. It’s also important that peo- ple know there’s no specific formula for involvement. Some students don’t have the ability to invest time in extracurricu- lars – maybe they care for a family or work long hours. Being intentional about the investment of time is the best way to have a positive and ful- filling high school experience. Nora Ptacek is the Senior Editor-in- Chief of the Noctiluca. fered in and out of high school must be done in moderation however. Too often, students are pushed to become in- volved for the wrong reasons and at an in- correct depth. Regardless of the current so-
Class growth links students to opportunity By Ally Price During freshmen orientation on Thursday, Aug. 25 freshmen walk through the ceremonial tunnel to signify the transition into high school. Photo by Olivia Molter
enrollment. Each year, schools will have students transfer in and out of the school, but North usually gains more students than they lose. This year, North is projected to gain 30 or more students from in-district open enrollment and 60 to 75 from out-of-district. Students are gaining new op- portunities to open enroll that weren’t available in previous years. Outside of the regu- lar open enrollment period, which closes late in the previ- ous school year, students can now apply through alternate open enrollment, which doesn’t close until the new school year starts. Due to this new system, students can open enroll all throughout the summer, which can greatly impact class sizes; North generally gains 60 to 75 students in the month of July alone. Lessons from experience With all of these new stu- dents, the beginning of the school year can be a great time to meet new people and try new things. Getting involved has helped people like Danz learn to be themselves and explore their community.
With a new school year just beginning, there are many op- portunities to get involved, and people like Carmen Danz are taking advantage of them. This year, she will be play- ing on the tennis and lacrosse teams, be involved in the the- ater program, read the morning announcements, and be a Link Crew commissioner. “I think being involved is super important because that’s where you’ll meet new people and find your niche. It gets you out of your comfort zone in a way,” said Danz. With forty-nine clubs and fourteen different sports avail- able, Appleton North has of- fered students like Danz many ways to get involved and meet people in their school. She started her freshman year by joining lacrosse and theater, later joining tennis as a sopho- more, Link Crew as a junior, and the announcements readers as a senior. She recommends always being willing to try new things, especially as a fresh- man. “Explore all the different op- tions, even if it’s nerve-wrack- ing,” said Danz. “You can even start small; just join one club or talk to a few different people. It’s all about baby steps. North allows so many different op- portunities for this to happen with so many different groups available to people.”
Link Crew members go through activities with freshmen during orientation. Photo by Olivia Molter Class-size comparison This year’s freshmen population is bigger than in North’s previous years:
too,” said Associate Principal Mr. Dave Pynenberg. “But I would say that a majority of the time people are looking at the academics piece. We were a USAToday award winner for testing. Those things all play a part [in attracting new stu- dents].” Due to a variety of factors, Appleton North’s student pop- ulation has been consistently growing over the past few years. One of these reasons in- cludes the growing freshmen classes each year. This year’s freshmen class included 476 students as of Aug. 16, but this number is expected to grow at least six or seven students be- tween then and the third Friday count, which is a final count of students that occurs on the third Friday of September. North is also gaining stu- dents in all grades due to open
Further growth With this year’s freshman class being the biggest one yet and North’s population grow- ing each year, there are more people than ever who are able to get involved. North’s pro- grams are part of what is draw- ing people to the school. “Our theater program is phenomenal. I know we have students come just for the- ater. We’ve had students come for our performance team, so sports can play a role in that, 2013-14 ..................... 437 2014-15 ..................... 457 2015-16 ..................... 471 2016-17 ..................... 476
See Price , Page 2
Related article Noctiluca editorial: the importance of getting involved, Page 2
NEWS Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII
Issue I Page 2
Larger population brings new accommodations By Ally Price
“Not only are you seeing dif- ferent sides and views of other people, but you’re also seeing different sides of yourself. Get- ting involved widens the hori- zons of your personality,” said Danz. While there are many ex- citing opportunities, it is also important to remember not to overdo it. Clubs, sports, and other activities may be seen as beneficial by many, but they can also be time consuming. “When you first come in, ac- ademics should be first; make sure to get your feet on the ground,” said Pynenberg. “We definitely would like [students] to be part of the community, so getting involved in something they enjoy is important, but they should prioritize, because if they don’t keep a balance, these activities can have the re- verse effect.” Price , Growing classes, from page 1
having more students will also affect extracurriculars such as clubs and sports. Sports are affected differently depending on whether or not they are cut or no cut. No cut sports, such as football, cross country, and swimming, can benefit from having more student-athletes involved. “The booster club, for in- stance, gives financing to teams per athlete, so obvious- ly the more we have, the more money we’ll get,” said Mr. Pynenberg. Cut sports, such as volleyball and performance team, are different in that they aren’t affected by this since the number of athletes is lim- ited. “For cut sports, it doesn’t necessarily change things, but maybe the competition gets better,” said Mr. Pynen- berg. “You would hope that the more students you have, the more talent you’ll have. It doesn’t always equate to that, but in many cases this is true.” Besides this, having more student-athletes has helped to maintain co-curricular pro- grams. North has never had to cut any teams, and recently, they’ve had to make some changes to accommodate more athletes. “We’ve had to add coaches because of some of the sizes,” said Pynenberg. Addition- ally, if enough freshmen join a sport, a separate team can be made just for the freshmen to allow more athletes to play each year. Seniors The college search is ramping up in the fall of senior year, so it is important to make sure that you know deadlines and requirements for the application process. The Common Application opened Aug. 1, and is used by many universities, including UW-Madison for the first time. Finish your essays and personal statement, and secure letters of recommendation from coaches, teachers and advisors as soon as pos- sible. Make sure that you have a de- finitive list of the colleges that you are applying to, and the requirements of each. Send in SAT and/or ACT scores to the universities that you are defi- nitely applying to if you haven’t already, and secure any additional references or requirements that the program or school might ask for. Lastly, look up scholarship information from schools that you’re applying to, the community, clubs that you’re in, and various other corporations around the area.
North’s student body has grown each year since the school’s opening in 1995, and with more kids this year than ever before, students and staff will become more and more familiar with the impacts of these larger student popula- tions. More kids can lead to various changes around the school that will be visible this year. One obvious impact of hav- ing more students is larger class sizes. Appleton North’s ideal student-to-faculty ratio is 29.5:1, but in some situ- ations, this can be raised to accommodate more students. Having more students in a class can be helpful in allow- ing more students to attend North, but can lead to less in- dividual attention per student. “Obviously class sizes will affect teacher-student engage- ment,” said Mr. Pynenberg, associate principal of Apple- ton North. “Smaller classes would offer more individual time, but restricting class sizes can make some classes unavailable to some students, so we seek to find a balance.” Another option to make North available to more stu- dents without increasing class sizes drastically is to hire more teachers. Since schools get money from the district based on the number of students at- tending, more students can create more available finances for the school. This can make
Freshman class of 2020 learn about their future at North during Orientation. Photo by Olivia Molter
hiring new teachers possible. “For the last few years, our staff has increased quite a bit,” said Mr. Pynenberg. “We added a new special ed teach- er this year. For art, we also hired a new teacher because the numbers [of students] were so high.” More teachers in the same building can mean that some teachers won’t get to have their own rooms. Some teach- ers have begun to have to share their classrooms, mean- ing that when they are not teaching in them, another teacher will be. This means teachers may need to find another place to work dur- ing their off hours, such as in teacher planning. While more students can
limit some classes, it can make other classes possible. Recently, classes that haven’t run in previous years have started to become available due to more students signing up to take them. Classes such as AP Calculus BC and Jour- nalism are able to be taught in the school this year, whereas in previous years, they had to be taken through other plat- forms, such as distance learn- ing, eschool, or not at all. “[The larger population] definitely helps to be able to offer more programs and classes,” said Mr. Pynenberg in regards to these new class- es. “With more kids, maybe more students will want to take certain classes.” Besides affecting classes,
Mr. David Pynenberg, associ- ate principal at North, advises students to prioritize involve- ment. Photo by Olivia Molter
Staying focused on college preparation throughout the whole school year By Erik Bakken Each month, the Noc- tiluca will provide college advice for each grade 9 10 Sophomores 11 12
Freshmen High school is your
Juniors Now is your time to do your research on colleges and universities and to figure out what you are looking for in a school and what you want to pursue as a degree. By refining your college search earlier, you can hone in on schools that you want to apply to and visit. This can greatly reduce the cost of your college search, since applying and visiting can get expensive. Also, make sure to consider taking the PSAT in October and ACT throughout the year. As a junior, your PSAT scores will be considered for National Merit status, which comes with a scholar- ship. It is important that you prepare for the PSAT as soon as possible, since it will likely be one of the first standard- ized tests you will take this year. Once you’re registered, a practice exam will be available in the guidance office. The PSAT also serves as an indicator for the SAT, which is an accepted exam for many universities.
Getting involved is important for sophomores too, since now that you’ve experienced a year of high school, you can seek out leader- ship opportunities and greater roles in clubs or sports. Even if you don’t have a leadership position with a title, you can still demonstrate leadership throughout the year and help younger students learn from your experiences as a fresh- man. Another part of the fall for sophomores to consider is taking the PSAT in October. The PSAT scores you receive as a sopho- more will not count for National Merit consideration (qualification for National Merit will not be taken into account until junior year), but taking the PSAT as a sophomore will provide a baseline for how you test on standardized assessments and can help you determine what you need to work on.
level at Appleton North in the “Noctiluca University”. Starting with September, advice will be specifically tailored to each month in order to provide the most timely help. Juniors and seniors: pick up a copy of college readiness timeline in the guidance office for more in-depth information regarding the college ap- plication process.
chance to get involved and to prove your skills to col- leges; this can be through your course selection, extracurriculars and GPA. Now is your time to start looking into what you’d like to do in terms of classes and clubs, since this will demon- strate to colleges what your interests and strengths are when it comes time to apply. Additionally, now that you’re in high school, your grades will count towards your GPA, another important factor in your college search. Even if the college search process seems far away, your fresh- man grades each semester have the same value as your grades in your senior year, so keep that in mind.
OPINIONS Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII
Issue I Page 3
Noctiluca Editorial multitude of new faces who have similar interests as them- selves.
involved in extracurriculars. Doing so allows for the con- sideration of alternative ideas and the investigation into dif- ferent fields of work. DECA and HOSA are fabulous out- lets to discover if a business or health career, or both if one is so inclined, would be the most fulfilling and enjoyable. Other organizations, such as Fashion Club or HOPE Club, provide similar opportunities for occupational exploration by fostering passions for top- ics not typically discussed on an in-depth level in academ- ics. Often times, students de- velop a sense of community when they get involved in specific organizations. NHS and Peer/KEY Club are prime examples of contributing to the local community by vol- unteering at nursing homes or bell ringing for the Salvation Army. Simultaneously, these clubs also provide students with the opportunity to give back to the school as well. Peer tutor- ing and informative activities regarding substance abuse al- low for these individuals to gain greater awareness about prevalent issues among peers and to offer solutions to diffi- culties in return. Universally, individuals enjoy partaking in school-facilitated activi- ties because they can meet a
Over the course of the sum- mer, perhaps while you were downtown with your friends catching Pokémon in Houdini Plaza, did you ever stop and just take a minute to look around? If so, you would have seen a city in its most vibrant peak of the year. Art on the Town, the Mile of Music, farmers mar- kets, and summer sales all con- tributed to giving the Appleton community a breath of fresh air and a good time. Now, can you imagine what the summer would have been like without these little gems? Or to probe you further, what would the rest of the year be like? What wouldAppleton be like without the support of local businesses? For one, you could say good- bye to festivals, art walks, and especially farmers markets. A majority of these events are subsidized by local businesses like the Stone Cellar or Blue Moon Emporium. In the case of farmers markets, small busi- ness owners completely run events for the benefit of other small businesses. But this dis- When the school year rolls around, most parents and peer mentors encourage involve- ment in a variety of differ- ent extracurricular activities. Many believe that you do not participate in extracurricu- lars, you may miss out on an activity that you find enjoy- able. No one wants to inten- tionally bypass a potentially career-stimulating or hobby- inducing extracurricular. But is involvement detrimental to scholarly work, or does an active student body reap ben- efits from time-consuming extracurriculars? Many people will agree that participation in school-relat- ed activities offers extensive benefits. Not only can an in- dividual explore new avenues of interest in an act of self- discovery, she can also gain a significant sense of com- munity inside and outside of the school environment, ob- tain greater time management skills, develop an understand- ing of true commitment, and form connections with others to construct well-developed social circles. There are few other periods in an individual’s life where interest and career exploration can occur to the extent that is offered within high school. Therefore, all students should take advantage of the oppor- tunities North provides to be By Maddy Schilling
Developing a more diverse social circle provides stu- dents with the opportunity to explore alternative ideas pro- posed by those whom they have never previously en- countered. Being presented with a new perspective to a topic of unanimous interest can expand a student’s com- prehension of political, eco- nomic, academic, or societal tensions. Bringing awareness also fosters empathy for issues that are often misunderstood. One cannot forget the aca- demic tremendous benefits that are associated with in- volvement. Educational and academic-focused clubs ex- pand a student’s insight in spe- cific subject matter, improving their comprehension of topics discussed in scholarly classes. Game-oriented activities im- prove upon students’ creativ- ity and logic in problem solv- ing. And of course, physical activity through sports im- proves upon mental health as well as physical health. Because extracurriculars do require students to sacrifice homeroom periods and after- school hours, students must develop effective methods of time management to accom- plish the requests of clubs and the homework loads of class-
The Performance Team practices often in the North commons. Involve- ment in extracurric- ulars is imperative for interest explora- tion. Photo by Olivia Molter.
es. Investing time into activi- ties outside of academics also encourages students to remain committed to work they agree to complete. Of course, indi- viduals must also remember that trying to partake in every club is unnecessary and can be unhealthy mentally and aca- demically. The ultimate goal of experimentation is to enjoy oneself. Ultimately, involvement in extracurriculars is imperative
some locally sourced hummus. Maybe now you’re picturing some sort of post-apocalyptic world fueled by suited fat cats and their mega corporations, stepping on the little guy all because you bought your toi- let paper at one of their chain stores. Stop that. Big business is still good for the economy, pro- viding a huge portion of the na- tion’s jobs and the summer jobs of many Appleton North stu- dents. They often even provide local business with the oppor- tunity to outsource their goods to a wider margin of consum- ers, so they certainly should not be completely neglected. How- ever, neither should Mary Sue’s granary down the street. It’s all about finding balance. The next time you go out for a Saturday morning grocery run, think about getting your olive oil at the Olive Cellar, your produce at the farmers’ market and a quick danish from the Amish bakery. Then, maybe stop by Target for chips and dip and napkins. It’ll surely do you, and your fellow members of the community, some good. to the well being of all stu- dents by assisting in interest exploration and mental devel- opment, but everyone should be conscientious of their time commitments and potential health repercussions of over- involvement. Without these opportunities, though, many individuals would not be able to effectively expand their comprehension of alternative ideas and potential occupa- tions.
Supporting local business matters for the community
Local businesses advertise and show support for public festivals such as the Mile of Music. Photo by Olivia Molter.
appearance of local festivals would never happen, right? Not in A-town. Except it could. Of course, local business could never dis- appear entirely, but places just like the city of Appleton have experienced something close, leaving shuttered up holes in the wall beside stores in de- cline. In fact, the Small Busi- ness Administration, a gov- ernment-supported advocacy group, found that only about half of small businesses survive
for more than five years. So what’s the big deal, right? Why not just shop at Costco or Walmart or Target for every- thing? It’s incredibly cheaper that way. Well, you certainly could, and many people do, as a lot of the time, it is cheaper giving into big businesses. Un- fortunately, that is also what makes your general stores, your Free Market’s, and your Green Gecko’s crumble, along with the vitality of the local econ- omy. According to the SBA,
63% of new private sector jobs are provided by small busi- nesses, so local employment would go down the drain. Then down tumbles the character of your local community and the diversity of goods and services that these places provide, along with their individualized cus- tomer service. Go ahead, try buying delicious homemade sandwiches and salads from Walmart and then asking a staff member if they could get you
OPINIONS Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII
Issue I Page 4
Society restricts self-discovery among youth
Noctiluca Mission Statement The Noctiluca and north are the student-run news sources of Appleton North High School. Noctiluca and are desig- nated public forums for student expression. Student editors make all content decisions. Noctiluca’s mission is to publish information relevant to its readers and its community. Its goal is to maintain high ethical standards and provide a designated public forum for free and responsible expression of views. The newspaper and website welcome diversity of scope, depth and breadth of coverage in order to heighten mutual understanding and awareness through our entire community. Appleton North High School 5000 N. Ballard Road Appleton, WI 54913 Phone: (920) 832-4300 Mr. Ramponi, staff advisor, at: ramponiaaron@aasd Editorial Staff Senior Editor-In-Chief Nora Ptacek Junior Editor-In-Chief Jake Zajkowski Managing Editor Kate Bennett News Editor Ally Price Opinions Editor Maeve Salm Features Editor Trinity Olson Centerspread Editor Salma Abdel-Azim Sports Editor Maddie Clark Photography Editor Olivia Molter Digital Photography/ Multimedia Editor Adison Cole Copy Editor Fatima Ali Advertising/Social Media Rachel Sina Graphics Editor Henry Ptacek Online Editor Kate Bennett Investigative Editor Erik Bakken Advisor Mr. Ramponi Contributors Salma Abdel-Azim Fatima Ali Yasmeen Ashour Culture Editor Maddy Schilling
By Maeve Salm
they intend to pursue. These unnecessary pressures placed on teenagers hinder exploration of alternative academic fields. It is imperative that we, as a society, stop demanding that the youth comprehend the world we live in before they obtain the opportunity to ex- plore it. Instead, we should encourage discussions that as- sist children in developing their personal interests. Questions posed around their favorite as- pects of each subject presented in school, their top ten occupa- tional interests and why they are appealing to them and how they hope to accomplish the greatest amount of exploration possible. All people are inher- ently curious; the latter means of discussion serves to stimu- late curiosity in adventurous youth. Ultimately, we need to be conscientious of childhood de- velopment. In order to foster generations with great creativ- ity and passion for their occu- pations, we need to ensure that we do not force careers upon our children. As an esteemed neurosurgeon once told me, do not restrict yourself on occupa- tional interests before you have to. junk food, it’s important that we really watch what we are eating as the year progresses. With all of the homework and after school activities, it can be easy for our sleep schedules to gradually di- gress. We stay up later and later to get everything done, and then we are tired the next day making us less productive and forcing us to stay up even later the next evening. Ac- cording to the National Sleep Foundation, students that do not get eight to ten hours of sleep a night are more prone to irritability, inability to focus, weight gain, and illness. It is key that we are setting a strict bedtime throughout the year to ensure we are getting enough sleep, and that we realize our health is more important than our homework. As we are getting back into our school year routine, it can be easy for us to forget about our healthy summer habits during this busy time. How- ever, it is absolutely essential that we all make time in our schedules for exercise, bal- anced eating, and eight to ten hours of sleep each night in or- der to stay happy and healthy all throughout the year.
What is one of the first questions an adult would ask you when you were little? You guessed it: what do you want to be when you grow up? Most children answer with exclama- tions of “a professional ath- lete!” or “an astronaut, they get to explore space!” But have we, as a society, taken the time to reflect upon how we restrict academic or interest-related exploration when we expect le- gitimate responses from kids? Many argue that asking children questions about their ideal future occupation encour- ages them to explore career op- tions. Instead of feeling bound by academic focuses related to career fields, children will feel inclined to find practical occu- pations that they would enjoy pursuing. But most schools provide personality tests that match kids with occupations that fit their interests and work habits, which do not require kids to perform extensive re- search about matched jobs. As convenient as this sounds, most students would not even consider occupations provided by these tests that did not align with their ideal career paths. They simply found jobs that When we think of summer, many of us automatically picture outdoor activities. Whether that be swimming on a beach, riding a bike down a sunny path, or hiking through a beautiful terrain, physical activities undoubtedly domi- nate our perception of sum- mer. With all of this time to do whatever we want, many de- cide to make healthier choices during summer vacation, in- cluding more frequent exer- cise routines, better thought- out meal plans, and regular By Kate Bennett
Children are often overwhelmed by high expectations of their futures. Illustration by Olivia Molter
reer paths prior to entering college, and those who know what they want to pursue are looked highly upon by adults and are presented with oppor- tunities in their desired field in high school. This allows them to present universities with ré- sumés that will improve their chances of acceptance. Ac- cording to research published by Chau-Kiu Cheung, Hoi Yan Cheung and Joseph Wu from the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Ma- cau, students are more success- ful and less stressed in college when they have better career preparation. This concept adds to the idea that undergraduates should have an idea of what tant for us to keep up on our daily health routines. Accord- ing to a study done by the Na- tional Association for Sport and Physical Education, only one in three people under the age of 18 are physically ac- tive everyday. This shockingly low statistic demonstrates how many students allow activity to fall by the wayside during the school year. As easy as it is to let our health get away from us dur- ing the school year, it is in- credibly important that we continue to take care of our- selves. For teenagers, daily exercise is a key component to managing weight, maintaining bone mass, increasing muscle definition, decreasing stress, and battling mood swings and depression. It is important that we make time in our schedule to keep up our exercise rou- tines all throughout the year. Along with daily exercise, a well balanced diet is key to staying healthy throughout the year. By eating a variety of things from all of the differ- ent food groups, students can see improvements in mood, weight, energy levels, and even grades. While it may be easy to slip into the routine of eating
fit with their preconceived careers. Instead of exploring newfound fields, childhood dreams of occupations, such as medicine and engineering, re- mained in the forefront of their minds. Students remained ada- mant in pursuing careers that they had previously established would be enjoyable, reflecting upon their responses to adults interrogating them about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Another societal restric- tion on self-discovery revolves around stigma placed upon teenagers applying to univer- sities. There is an enormous emphasis placed upon students deciding their majors and ca- sleep schedule. However, as soon as Sept. 1 hits, it all suddenly falls away. We all want to think that we will keep up with our health routine when the school year starts up again, but it always seems to slip away as we get busier and busier. Suddenly, that fresh salad becomes a burger you picked up on your way to practice, those bike rides are discarded for study sessions, and your eight hours of sleep is cut each night by homework. As our time is stretched thinner and thinner, it becomes even more impor-
Advice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle all year
Erik Bakken Kate Bennett Maddie Clark Silvia Knighten Olivia Molter Trinity Olson Sophie Plzak Ally Price Henry Ptacek Nora Ptacek Maeve Salm Maddy Schilling Jake Zajkowski
Only one in every three children are physically active every day. Illustration by Henry Ptacek
Features Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII
Issue I Page 5
A ppleton North High School offers many opportunities for involvement. From ath- letic, academic, to just plain fun, these various clubs provide the student body with a myriad of engagement options. These co-curriculars are rewarding and helpful for many students. Par- ticipating in a club during student’s high school career can give them skills they will need later on in life. This is a list of clubs that Appleton North offers students. Club: Alliance Advisor: Debbie Strick Appleton North’s clubs offer opportunity
North students discuss the benefits of club leadership By Trinity Olson Appleton North junior Amara Neitzke is the incoming Co-Presi- dent of Gender Equality Club. Photo by Trinity Olson
Club: DECA Advisor: Cyndi Dechant DECA helps teach business management, marketing,and financial respon- sibility. Club: Drama Club Advisor: Ron Parker Students ex- pand their theatri-
Alliance is a safe space for LG- BTQ students and allies at North. Everyone is welcome. Club: Appleton Youth Educa- tion Initiative Advisor: James Huggins Appleton Youth Education Initia- tive is an organization that works towards preparing high school stu- dents for their lives as adults. Club: Art Club Advisor: Terri Westby Beautify the Appleton North com- munity through the creation and appreciation of art. Bowling club offers individual and group competition in the sport of bowling. Club: Chess Club Advisor: Shannan Davis Develop strategic skills in this intellectually competitive club. Club: Chinese-American Club Advisor: Steve Sugrue Explore the Chinese culture in this inclusive globally oriented club. Club: Debate Advisor: Steve Gargo Debate Club, a co-op with Apple- ton West, allows students to ex- pand their argumentative skills. Club: Bowling Club Advisor: Brett Miller
where the club goes.” “As leaders we get to decide on issues the club gets to talk about, [in other words], we have more of a say of what’s going on.” said Zuleger. Neitz- ke and Zuleger have many ideas that they plan to bring to a reality over the course of this year. Educating and enlighten- ing the students of Appleton North, and hopefully continu- ing to educate the community is one of their major goals for the future. Creating an oppor- tunity for more students to join and become aware of social injustices is also a goal for this year. Although they hope that students will join the Gender Equality Club, Neitzke knows that it is difficult to come to every meeting. “Join the club! It’s super easy to just come and hang out! You don’t need to be super committed.” Neitzke and Zuleger both recommend to get involved in school and participate when- ever you can. Joining school activities can help you gain friends and help you in the fu- ture. “Feminism is a part of my everyday life, so it was a super natural thing for me to want to be a leader.” -Amara Neitzke
For incoming freshmen or even older students who still want to get involved in school activities, it can be difficult to decide what clubs or sports to join. From theater clubs to sci- ence clubs, language clubs to social and political clubs, there are an overwhelming amount of opportunities and groups to join. Two Appleton North stu- dents shared their experiences in joining clubs, and eventually becoming club leaders. This year’s Gender Equal- ity leaders, Amara Neitzke and Carl Zuleger, are in clubs rang- ing from H.O.P.E club to the Democratic League, and both students love being involved. Both entering their junior year, Neitzke and Zuleger were in Gender Equality since their freshman year. Neitzke has been a leader since her sopho- more year, and Zuleger is start- ing as a leader for the first time this upcoming year. Neitzke stated, “It’s neato burrito that people trust me enough to lead this super en- lightening club! Feminism is a part of my everyday life, so it was a super natural thing for me to want to be a leader.” Although there is a difference between leading a club and be- ing a part of a club, both have benefits. As a leader, Zuleger states, “It is really cool to be with a bunch of like-minded people and have influence on
cal knowledge through active participation in musicals, plays, and other events.
Club: Dungeons and Dragons Advisor: Jamie Sadogierski The in-depth role playing game is a focal point of the club. Club: Fashion Club Advisor: Kelly Camber Learn the latest trends and ex- plore the world of fashion. Club: Forensics Advisor: Paul Miller Engage in competitive public speaking tournaments. Club: Friends at North (F.A.N) Club Advisor: Kathy Deveraux Spend time with students of all ages and abilities.
Appleton North’s annual yearbook publication is a much celebrated event. Photo illustration by Kate Bennett
Get North brings a lot to the Here are some of last ye were involved – some n important to building co and help build our com
Football 161 Cross Country 96 Soccer 65 Tennis 61 Swimming 46 Volleyball Girls 44 Lacrosse 36 Performance 30 Volleyball Boys 28 Golf 10
“I run Cross Country, which has really helped to ease me out of my comfort zone. Since there are a lot of kids on the team, it’s just a matter of time before you’re seeing familiar faces all around school.” Iris Hertting
Gender Equality 100 DECA 95
Student Council 68 Noctiluca 57
Dr ama C l ub 263 NHS 246
HOPE C l ub 200
L i nk Cr ew 103
Ke y / Pe e r s 199
Indian Club 56 Alliance 53
HO S A 3 0 0
One Act 46
Involved he table with clubs, activities and athletics. year’s groups and the numbers of people who numbers are higher, some are lower, but all are community at North. How can you get involved munity? What will you bring to the table?
AppletonYouth Education Initiative Art Club Bowling Club Chess Club Chinese-American Club Dungeons and Dragons Club Fashion Club Friends at North (F.A.N.) Club Hmong Club Other Clubs Include:
Improvedy Troupe International Club Knitting Club Latino Club Lightning Sledding Literary Club Model United Nations Musical (7-12) Powerlifting Club Psych Club Physics and Astronomy R.A.I.S.E. Rugby Club Ski & Snowboard Club Spring Play Yearbook
Forrest Bomann “I am a part of Indian Club, Chinese-American Club, and Club Red, all of which promote engagement in the community and yield a greater understanding of various cultures and humanitarian aid. Furthermore, I am on the debate team – a fantastic opportunity for those who hope to challenge themselves and make often perplexing problems more perspicuous.”
Environmental/Garden 7 Robotics 3
Democratic League 24 StandUp 24 Manga Club 16
Republican League 28 Debate Team 27
Principal’s Cabinet 39
Math League 10 Forensics 7
Features Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII Issue I Page 8
Club: Garden Club Advisor: Sue Davis and Julie Prudom Spend time outdoors planting and appreciating nature. Club: Gender Equality Advisor: Janeal Lee Gender Equality club has discussions and presenta- tions on gender based sub- jects. Club: Environmental Club (H.O.P.E.) Advisor: Jamie Sado- gierski H.O.P.E stands for Help Our Planet Earth, which member’s strive to do by completing small tasks with- in the school and the com- munity. Club: Hmong Club Advisor: Chad Endres Engage in and learn about the Hmong culture, in Apple- ton and around the world. Club: HOSA Advisor: Kelly Camber and Kristie Moder HOSA is a club for future health professionals and Advisor: Ron Parker Improvedy uses humor and quick thinking to enter- tain audiences at their vari- ous shows. Club: Indian Club Advisor: Scott Fish Students in this club learn about the Indian culture in an inclusive environment. Club: International Club Advisor: Paula Meyer and Michelle Tesch Globally oriented individu- als explore the cultures of the world in this welcoming club. Club: Key Club/Peer Helpers Advisor: Jean Pynen- berg and Susanne Bruce Key Club/Peer Helpers is a two part club that works within the school as well as outside in the community, those in- terested in the medi- cal field. Club: Im- p r o v e d y Troupe
Club: Noctiluca Advisor: Aaron Ram- poni The Noctiluca is the school’s journalism club, focusing on developing stu- dents’ writing and reporting abilities in a production- based teaching style. Club: Ski & Snowboard Club Advisor: Paula Meyer Ski & Snowboard Club provides students the op- portunity to get outside and participate in these winter activities with their friends. Stand up focuses on ending domestic violence and making a difference in the school and community through direct interaction with students and staff. Club: Student Council Advisor: Teri Berlowski Student Council is respon- sible for the planning and organization of school wide events, and helps to build leadership and volunteering skills in students. Democratic League is a space for issue focused stu- dents to discuss politics and find opportunities to create change through the Demo- cratic Party. Club: Teenage Republi- can Club Advisor: Elizabeth Plat- ten Teenage Republican Club is a place for politically minded students to discuss current issues and learn about the Republican Party as a whole. Club: Yearbook Advisor: Michelle Ehlers Yearbook works to de- velop students’ creative and organizational skills through the creation of an end of the year photo album. Club: Democratic League Advisor: Jackie Nider Club: Stand Up Advisor: Curt Salm
The H.O.P.E. Club’s window captures the message of the environmentally oriented club. The window also has a board that has the next meeting’s date and other important events that will be occurring soon. Photo by Trinity Olson
engaging members in volun- teer and presentation work. Club: Knitting Club Advisor: Terri Westby Students learn how to knit in this relaxing club. Club: Lacrosse Club Advisor: Mark Ropella This athletically demand- ing and competitive sport is open to all North students. Club: Latino Club Advisor: Shane Rueckel Explore the Latino culture in this inclusive club. Club: Lightning Sled- ding Advisor: Kelly Camber Sledding club seeks to en- joy those Wisconsin winters by having fun with friends. Club: Link Crew Advisor: Roberta Baker and Patrick Lee Link Crew is a group of ju- niors and seniors who work with incoming freshman to encourage them to be in- volved in school activities
and clubs. Club: Literary Club Advisor: Julie Wohlt and Aaron Ramponi Write, read, and discuss creative works from literary experts, as well as produc- ing the annual literary maga- zine, the Borealis. Club: Manga Club Advisor: Pat Milheiser Read and discuss manga or Japanese style comics similar to anime. Club: Math League Advisor: Kristen Klun- der Math League is a compe- tition based club that helps students develop their math skills through challenging word problems, individual events, and team based problem solving. Club: Model United Na- tions Advisor: Joel Herman- sen Model UN provides stu- dents the opportunity to experience what it’s like to represent a country at the UN, helping to develop writ- ing and speaking skills as a result. Club: National Honor Society Advisor: Janeal Lee and Jacci Vandenheuvel National Honor Society is a group of juniors and seniors that excel in their
g r a d e s and par- ticipation in the s c h o o l , providing opportu-
nities for volunteering and involvement within the com- munity.
Club: Psych Club Advisor: Eric Eastman Psych Club provides an opportunity for interested students to learn more about the study of Psychology and the principles of the mind. Club: Physics and As- tronomy Advisor: Ann Leonard Physics and Astronomy Club is a space for students who are interested in the natural sciences to meet and discuss concepts and theories in a learning envi- ronment. Club: R.A.I.S.E. Advisor: Matt Hechel R.A.I.S.E is a club focus- ing on the issue of drug prevention within the North community, working directly with the school to end drug use among students. Club: Rugby Club Advisor: Brian Gleason Rugby Club gives sports- minded students an outlet to learn about and participate in rugby games outside of school.
Culture Appleton, Wisconsin September 2016 Volume XXII
Issue I Page 9
A review of Young the Giant’s ‘Home of the Strange’ By Maddy Schilling
about the nineties is so appeal- ing? Natalie Painton, a sopho- more at North, gives her in- sight. “Nineties fashion, to me, somehow manages to swiftly pull together masculinity and femininity by using such sim- ple and minimalistic pieces. It’s impossible not to look like you are ready to take over the world and not let anybody or anything get in your way, whilst rocking a velvet choker and chunky Docs.” With a whole new school year to dress up for, and the return of the nineties inevi- table, feel free to experiment with berry lipstick, Doc Mar- tens, embroidered silk bomber jackets, the American Apparel pencil jean, oversized denim jackets, acid wash, scrunchies, or even the controversial fan- ny pack. Overall, this album was far from disappointing. In the past, critics labelled Young the Gi- ant as a band unable to find their sound. While this criti- cism is not exactly true—YTG has always stood out in the alt world—“Home of the Strange” is the band’s response to these criticisms, and despite its faults, their new album is a testament to the members’ natural maturi- ty and musical brilliance. Give it a listen, give the band a try and give into buying some con- cert tickets. You won’t be sorry. For more information and dates for the “Home of the Strange” tour, visit www. breath of fresh air, as ukulele solos and lead singer, Sameer Gadhia’s romantic vocal riffs create the musical epitome of a Parisian cafe. “Mr. Know- it-All” is straight up trippy in terms of composition but is also so relatable lyrically: “I’m Mr. Know-it-All...I’m staring at my phone...and even though we sit together...I feel so alone.” “Titus was Born” is certainly a favorite, with raindrops softly echoing in the background and guest vocals from drummer François Comtois as a much welcome addition to the song’s repertoire. Finally, like a sweet cherry to top it all off, “Home of the Strange” is the titular song that ends the album with a finesse that can only be de- scribed as strange, though in the best way possible.
By Sophie Plzak The first Internet generation has finally grown up, and with them they’ve brought some sweeping changes to what some consider to be trendy. Millennials have begun opting for scrunchies, crop tops and mom jeans — clear staples of the nineties. Brands like Cal- vin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger are bringing back the looks they marketed twenty years ago. American Apparel was one of the first to bring back this trend, forming a brand en- tirely centered around 1990s and early 2000s minimalistic attire. It was ridiculed at first for its “archaic” style but has slowly begun to garner atten- tion. Anyone can stop into Ur- ban Outfitters or Pacsun and see the old Calvin Klein logo back on T-shirts, the iconic “Home of the Strange,” however, starts with its sec- ond biggest single “Amerika,” a song that starts slow, gradu- ally builds, and exudes a breed of dreamy catchiness that has become a part of the Young the Giant brand. Lyrically, it speaks of a lost American dream: “And so I’ve arrived with gold in my eyes...I was searching for something as I watched you run…it’s a rich kid game, didn’t grow up with a throne…” This all leads well As the end of summer nears, it is only appropriate to look back at the best and brightest bits of the season. Summer 2016 brought with it a tidal wave of new music, particularly in the indie/alternative department. Most notably, after an appear- ance at Summerfest in Milwau- kee and a single that conquered modern rock stations, alterna- tive band, Young the Giant’s highly anticipated third album, “Home of the Strange” was re- leased on August 12. The name Young the Giant may sound familiar, especially to fans of local rock radio sta- tion 96.9 the Fox, which fre- quently plays a wide variety of tunes written by the group, from “Cough Syrup” to “Mind Over Matter.” Most recently, “Some- thing to Believe In,” “Home of the Strange”’s biggest single, has dominated airtime as well as Billboard’s alternative chart, where it has clawed itself to the top 10.
Alt-rock band Young the Giant displays their growth and maturity in new album Home of the Strange, album cover pictured above, pleasing fans and critics. Photo courtesy of Maddy Schilling
along with “Jungle Youth” and “Silvertongue.” Some say that the gritty modernity of these tracks is refreshing, but to ears that are familiar with a whole lot of mainstream alternative, it is more a sign that YTG is trying to appeal to a broader alt-rock fan base; this particu- lar collection of songs, while certainly not bad, is not really anything more than a catchy
simplest: they have grown up with unlimited access to the past through phones and com- puters. They’re products of the age of information. At their fingertips now is every old TV show, cartoon, or movie they loved as kids, and even the ones they missed. Fashion blogs have begun to reminisce, writing about fash- ion influencers of the era- with icons like Cher from “Clue- less,” Mia from “Pulp Fic- tion,” and Kat from “10 Things I Hate About You” fronting the trend. With this ever present access to childhood memories skyrocketing with the popular- ity of the internet, millennials have developed an attachment to the nineties, and with it, a powerful idea dictating much of pop culture today. So, what ripoff of anthems by Cage the Elephant and AWOLNATION. On the contrary, the rest of the album is, like “Amerika,” absolutely beautiful and an invitation to step inside of Young the Giant’s own So-Cal musical dreamworld. Songs like “Elsewhere” and “Noth- ing’s Over” are unabashedly complex, with tempo changes galore. “Art Exhibit” is like a
red-white-blue Tommy Hilfiger patch that has re- turned to jean waistbands, or Adidas’ new collection Adidas Originals, a to- tal throwback to their old nineties image. Oddly enough, trends often made fun of in the past decade, such as bucket hats and fanny packs, made a comeback this year, though not everyone was willing to hop on the bandwagon. A more agreeable ex- ample is overalls; with almost every clothing store marketing to teens giving in to the trend, into that cantankerous hit that is “Something to Believe In,” which again touches upon the sociopolitical themes of rebel- lion and revolution emulated so passionately in these two songs. Perhaps due to constant over- playing or perhaps simply due to relatively lazy songwriting, the most popular song of the album is also one of its worst,
Current fashion reflects the nineties nostalgia of the Internet age
online store that found their niche providing affordable, but cute, clothes entirely in- spired by the nine- ties. Nylon Shop has quickly become the place to find 1990s inspired plaid skirts, cheesy T-shirts, and crushed vel- vet everything. Never before has there been such an influx in old trends made new. Yes, the nineties are back, but why? The most conclusive answer as to why millennials experience this early- onset of nostalgia is the
they’ve turned out to be a summer staple. Echo Club House is a brand gaining no- toriety through their
North sophomore Natalie Painton exemplifies the moder- nity of nineties fashion. Photo courtesy of Sophie Plzak
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