NOCTILUCA October 2016

As the ¿ rst Latin American to be honored in the Na- tional Baseball Hall of Fame in 1973, Roberto Clem- ente met his ¿ rst team, the Brooklyn Dodgers, just after completing high school. In 1971. He led his next team, the Pittsburgh Pirates, to the World Series. Clemente won numerous awards and became the ¿ rst Latino to collect 3,000 career hits.

Born near Arizona, César Chavez was a union leader, committed to improving pay and working conditions for farmers. Motivated by past experiences as a farmer and the hardships his family faced, Chavez protested non- violently through many hun- ger strikes and marches. He formed what is now known as the United Farm Workers in 1962.

Known as the “Queen of all Media,” Oprah Winfrey was a media proprietor, actress, producer, talk show host, and philanthropist. The Oprah Winfrey Show was a big hit, airing on 120 channels in front of an audience of about 10 million people. In 1994, her show earned the respect of viewers as it was inspira- tional and powerful.

Pablo Picasso artist who is re works like The ist, Guernica, Woman, and Mirror. He was ary who helpe Cubist Movem considered on in À uential artis century. Picas with paint, scu ics and print

High school teacher Chris- ta McAuliffe had always dreamt of being aboard a space shuttle. Her dreams were realized in 1986 when she won the contest to board the Challenger space shuttle. Although it explod- ed after lift-off, she is known as the ¿ rst civilian ever to board a space shuttle. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on Octo- ber 2, 1869 in the present- day Indian state of Gujarat. To most of his followers he was known as Mahatma or “the great-souled one”. In the early 1900s he be- came an Indian immigrant in South Africa, beginning his activism. He became a leader in the ¿ ght for India to gain independence from Great Britain. His peace- ful protests against the oppression of the poor in India, left him imprisoned many times. He was killed by a Hindu fundamentalist in January 1948 after his attempts to close the divide between Muslims and Hindus. Mahatma Ghandi was one of the most active leaders in the movement for India’s In- dependence from Britain in the 1930’s and 40’s. He led several protests and started public movements like the Civil Disobedience Move- ment and the Salt Satyagra- ha. He played a key role in India’s independence, which was gained in 1947.

GREAT Here are the people on the Apple main stairwell, who made import Who from history ins

David Yao

Skye Iwanski

“Confucius, be- cause he changed my view on how I see the status quo.”

“The poet Sarah Kay is full of life and is the embodi- ment of today’s culture, which is full of eloquence.”

Michael Kraft

Anant Kaushika

“George Wash- ington, because he was the ¿ rst president of the United States, and led America

“Gandhi, because the courage that he showed despite the controversy he faced made him someone I will always idolize.”

through the revolu- tion against Great Britain, and gave all the citizens hope.”

The following contributed to the centerspread: Salma Abdel-Azim, He zada, Nicole Bezella

Frenchman Jacques Cousteau was very instrumental in under- water discovery and exploration. He made many documentaries watched by millions around the world and helped develop the ¿ rst aqua-lung device to be used for years to come. After WWII, Cousteau aided the French navy to clean the waters of underwater mines. He also raised awareness for the state of water ecosystem through his foundation, the Cous- teau Foundation.

Marie Curie was the ¿ rst wom- an to win the Nobel Prize and the ¿ rst to ever win two of them. She was recognized for her work with the discovery of ura- nium and radioactivity. Although many obstacles crowded her path to greatness on account of her gender, she overcame all of them to become one of the most distinguished scientists ever and a great role model.

The fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is considered the spiritual and political leader of Tibet. He is a symbol of peace and works tirelessly to help people who À ee their country. He is an activist and humanitarian who travels the world working toward world peace and speaking against communism.

Maya Angelou was a renowned poet, writer and activist famous for her open discussion of racism and for pushing the boundaries of the autobiography genre. In her lifetime she wrote seven autobi- ographies, three books of essays and has contributed to several movies and TV series.

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