MyTana Summer
Cable, ends Blades
BladePaks Pear Shaped BladePak Suitable for 11⁄16" and ¾" cable. All blades are serrated. Two each: 2", 3", 4" and 6" pear-shaped blades, and four BH500 blade holders with fittings – specify style needed:
M661 BladePak Suitable for 5⁄16" and 3⁄8" cable. Sets of 1" to 2" blades and drop head swivel.
Threaded Fittings Also includes 6" grease spring, 1 spade blade and holder, threaded coupling, lockwashers and nuts. BLADEPK M661 ME
$127 $147
• SJ slip-joint IL Spartan or GE General
• RE Ridgid
BladePak 234 Suitable for ½” to ¾” cable. 1 ea. knife edged single 2" and double 21⁄8", and 1 ea. serrated double 3" and 4" blades. All are in mountings, specify style needed:
General Fittings Also includes three mini-spade blades, GE blade holders, female fitting and allen wrench. BLADEPK M661 GE
$47 $67
• ME threaded
• SJ IL GE or RE
Mainline BladePak Suitable for 11⁄16" and ¾" cable. 2" to 6" blades, some mounted, plus a pig tail retriever. See for detailed list of what is included. Specify mounting style:
Bulbhead BladePak Suitable for 3⁄8" cable. 1" to 2" single, double and double offset blades, 1 bulbhead fitting. BLADEPK BUHD
$143 $173
• ME threaded • SJ slip-joint
Muni BladePak Suitable for 11⁄16" and ¾" cable. Set of 2" to 8" blades, some mounted, plus a pig-tail retriever and spearhea cutter. See for detailed of what is included. Specify mountin BLADEPK MUNI • ME threaded • SJ slip-joint
d list g style:
Mini Spade BladePaks Suitable for 3⁄8" cable. Sets of 1" to 1¾" mini spade blades and allen wrench.
$206 $246
Specialized Tool Kit 1 Suitable for ½" to ¾" cable. Includes 4" paddle blade, 12" retriever/grease spring, pig-tail retriever and spearhead cutter. Specify mounting style:
Threaded Fittings Also includes 3 mini spade blade holders. BLADEPK MNSP
• ME threaded
General Fittings Also includes 1 female end.
• SJ IL GE or RE
Specialized Tool Kit 2 Suitable for ½" to ¾" cable. Includes spade, medium drop head and chisel head. Specify mounting style:
$55 $70
• ME threaded
• SJ IL GE or RE
PHONE: 866-837-7972
FAX: 651.222.1739
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