My City Wellness Summer 2022

My Wellness

K icking a bad habit takes the utmost time, patience and self-control. It is a long and tiring process that can be made more challenging by arduous physical and mental complications; however, the bene- ts realized later will always make the e ort worth it – especially for those who have struggled with the habit for a long time. For some, the longevity of their habit causes resistance to change. ey feel that since they have, for example, smoked for 30 years that quitting at this point wouldn’t make a di erence; that ceasing their bad habit wouldn’t impact their health or longevity. ey are wrong. e bene ts of quitting any unhealthy habit can be seen within a few months or sooner. A er quitting smoking, using alcohol or having a sedentary lifestyle, a person will feel healthier, increase their lifes pan and enjoy a better quality of life in their later years. ey have a greater chance of seeing their grandkids graduate or get married, being more mobile and potentially avoiding the need for nursing care, as well as having more clarity of mind and enjoying more happy times on this earth. It is never too late to drop a bad habit!

It’s Never Too Late to Drop a Bad Habit BY PETER HINTERMAN




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