My City Wellness Summer 2022
My Wellness
Symptoms Gastroparesis can be di cult to diagnose as its symptoms correspond with those of other well-known gastro-intestinal diseases. Signs include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and bloating, lack of appetite, weight loss, acid re ux and a feeling of fullness a er eating very little food. Many people experience no symptoms at all. Risk factors include su ering from the potential causes of damage to the vagus nerve listed earlier. Women have a greater risk of developing gastroparesis than men.
4 Psoriasis
is common disease causes itchy, scaly patches on the skin most commonly around the knees, elbows and scalp. Ap
proximately, 7.5 million people (or 2% of the U.S. population) su er from psoriasis. e scaly patches can be quite painful and may interrupt a person’s daily or sleep habits and currently, there is no cure. is condition goes through cycles with are-ups that could last a few weeks or months. ere are several types of psoriasis including plaque (most common), nail, inverse and pustular (characterized by pus- lled blisters). Cause e cause is not solidi ed but it is believed that the condition develops due to a malfunction in the immune system that makes skin cells grow faster than usual. is rapid cell turnover creates the itchy, scaly patches that are the main trademark of the disease. Psoriasis can be dormant for years until it is triggered by an environmental factor such as skin infection, dry weather, certain medications and heavy alcohol consumption. Symptoms A patchy rash that varies wildly in color (purple, silver, pink or red) is the most de ning characteristic of this disease. Other symptoms include cracking and bleeding, burning and/or soreness. Treatment Psoriasis is incurable and the main goal of treatment is to stop skin cells from growing too quickly, remove scales and control itching. ere are several treatments available and o en patients can struggle to nd the right combination for their individual case. Topical oils and creams containing corticosteroids, vitamin D, retinoids and calcineurin inhibitors are com monly used to control symptoms. For those with severe cases, light thera py is recommended. In light therapy, the patient is exposed to controlled amounts of natural or arti cial UV light in order to limit the intensity of psoriasis during a large are-up. Usually, this treatment is combined with oral or injected medications such as steroids and biologics.
Treatment Since it cannot be cured, maintaining adequate nutrition is one of the main goals of treatment. O en a change in diet – eating smaller portions, more soups, liquids and low-fat foods, and taking a daily multivi tamin can limit the impact of the disease. Some medications can stimulate the stom ach muscles and reduce accompanying nau sea that may develop. When all else fails and symptoms are severe, surgery is an option. is involves inserting a temporary feeding tube directly into the small intestine. Some individuals may require an IV feeding tube that goes directly into a vein in the chest.
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