My City Wellness Summer 2022

My Wellness

How to Safely Dispose of Old Medications and Other Household Drugs

D you know that in 2019, up to 200 pharmaceuticals were detected in the surface water, ground water and drinking water in the U.S., according to the Organization for Economic Co operation and Development? Conventional wastewater treatment plants are neither designed nor equipped to fully remove pharmaceuticals, which is how these substances end up in ground and surface water.

What can you do to dispose of medications properly and help prevent these potent chemicals frompolluting the environment?

While 61% of Americans are concerned about ushed painkillers polluting drinking water and public waterways, one in four admit to ushing le over prescriptions down the drain, and another 25% reported throwing unused medications in the trash, according to a study by Stericycle. If you are concerned about the environment, you can be part of the solution by taking advantage of new ways to safely dispose of unused medications.



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