My City Wellness Fall 2021

Uterine Fibroids A type of tumor that occurs in the muscle cells of the uterus, uterine fibroids are another condition that can be relieved with this treatment method. While not typically dangerous, the symp toms are often difficult to live with and can impact quality of life. Information on risk factors for uterine fibroids is limited, but there is known increased risk for women who:

T raditional surgery was once the only effective treat ment solution for many women’s painful or debilitat ing pelvic health issues like uterine fibroids, endome triosis and ovarian cysts; but today, interventional radiologists (IR) like Dr. Ambreen Sattar at Hurley can treat such condi tions using minimally-invasive techniques that are less painful and require a shorter recovery time than traditional procedures. A board-certified radiologist, Dr. Sattar has a certificate of ad Pelvic Health – New Minimally Invasive Solutions BY JASON HARROD, HURLEY MEDICAL CENTER PHOTO BY DOUG PIKE, HURLEY MEDICAL CENTER


• are African American, • are over the age of 40, • have high blood pressure, • are overweight, • who have had no children, and • have immediate familymemberswithuterine fibroids.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids include pelvic pressure or pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain during intercourse, abdominal enlargement, constipation and bloating.These symptoms are not only a source of discomfort, but many women delay diagnosis or treatment out of embarrassment or a lack of knowledge concerning available treatment. Some complications from fibroids can include iron deficiency anemia, diminished sex life, repeated miscarriage and premature labor.While most don’t exhibit every symptom, many women with uterine fibroids experience one or more. Fibroid diagnosis can be confirmed by non invasive imaging, such as an MRI or ultrasound. While there are medications that can help relieve some of the symptoms, there are currently no medications that eliminate the fibroids themselves. In the United States, 20% of women believe that a hyster ectomy (the complete removal of the uterus) is the only treatment for uterine fibroids.This is no longer the case.Uterine fibroid emboliza tion (UFE) is a minimally-invasive option led by an IR that can relieve symptoms and allow women to keep their uterus.UFE is less painful and has a shorter recovery time than surgical treatments. Similar to ovarian vein embolization, with UFE, an IR uses imaging to guide a catheter through a small incision to the vessels that lead to the fibroids.Then, the IR injects small particles through the catheter to block blood flow to the fibroid.Without blood flow, the tumor shrinks and disappears, taking the symptoms with it. If needed, a myomectomy can also be done. Performed often by an OB/GYN, this minimally-invasive surgical treatment option preserves the uterus by removing the fibroid with a surgical meth od, such as laparoscopy. For large fibroids, UFE and a myomectomy can be used in conjunction to avoid a hysterectomy. Š

ditional qualification in vascular and interventional radiology. She com pleted her residency atWayne State University and continued fellowship training at Henry Ford Hospital. One such issue that can be treated by an IR is pelvic congestion syndrome, a condition caused by enlarged ovarian veins.Women who


have given birth more than once are at risk, as are women with other family members who have it.The main symptom to be aware of is pelvic pain that lasts for at least six months and that often starts during or after pregnancy, usually presents on the left side and worsens toward the end of the day.Guided by x-rays, the IR can relieve the pressure and pain caused by the enlarged ovarian vein by directing an em bolic agent to the veins that are causing the congestion.The embolic agents then act to relieve the pressure and pain by blocking blood flow through the affected area.This minimally-invasive procedure requires only a small incision in the patient’s groin or wrist.The whole proce dure happens while sedated in an interventional radiology suite over 30 minutes to an hour.Women are sent home the day of the proce dure and afterwards, are able to immediately resume normal activities.

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