My City May 2022



Joel P. LaGore, Certified Financial Planner and partner with OLV Investment Group, focuses on money management. Joining the Downtown Flint revitalization effort, his office is located in The Durant at 607 E. Second Ave., Suite 100. Joel and his wife Sonya are raising two daughters in Flushing, where he enjoys philanthropic pursuits in his local community, in Flint at large and in Genesee County. I’m encouraging MCM readers who own investments to meet with their ƒnancial advisors to discuss the impact rising interest rates will have on their portfolios.ere is a possibil ity that the longest bond market bull run we have seen in the modern era may have just ended. If that is true, conservative in vestors should consider restructuring their thought process re garding risk management. Another thing to consider is that as the Fed raises interest rates, the economy tends to slow down, and if they happen to raise rates too aggressively, I believe it could lead to a slowing economy and a decline in stock prices. Bonds as well as stocks went down a considerable amount in the ƒrst quarter; I believe now is a great time to assess your risk exposure. ® * ** that is when you get up to age 75 and 80 years old, it could end up giving you massive exposure to bonds, and in so doing, you could expose yourself and your money to interest rate risk (the risk that rising interest rates may have on your current bonds). As interest rates rise, bond prices decrease in value.e oppo site also holds true; if interest rates fall, bond prices go higher. is relationship between interest rates and bond prices is said to have an inverse correlation. Interest rates, although varying over time, have been falling ever since their peak in 1981.* Essentially, bond prices have had a natural tailwind. As interest rates continued to fall, bond values naturally increased, as new investors were willing to pay a premium to own the high interest rate bonds. In fact, for the ƒrst time in U.S. history, the Federal Reserve instituted a Corporate Bond Pur chasing Program to ensure that we didn’t have a “run on the bank”when it came to corporate bond prices.e Fed stopped its $6 trillion bond-buying program “Quantitative Easing” on March 9, 2022. A mixture of rising in–ation and rising inter est rates in an attempt to curb that in–ation could have some bond investors selling their shares and heading for the hills.

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800.338.4586 e Durant 607 E. 2nd Ave., Suite 100 Flint, MI 48502 Registered representatives o§er securities through AE Financial Services, LLC (AEFS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services o§ered through OLV Investment Group, a Registered Investment Adviser. Insurance o§ered through OLV Investment Group. OLV Invest ment Group is independent of AEFS.

The Great Bond Bubble Bust BY JOEL P. LAGORE CFP® AIF® On an April 12 podcast by Goldman Sachs called “Rising Stag–ation Risks Are Changing the In vestment Climate’’ their global head of asset solution stated, “I would say that the playbook for investments and portfolio construction, of the period since the ƒnancial crisis, may not be relevant anymore.We have entered a period of higher in- –ation, higher volatility, and more uncertainty.”To say that the ƒrst quarter of the year was challenging for investors would be a massive understatement! At the time of this writing, the NASDAQ Index is -14.66%* the S&P 500 is -7.84% and if you think that is bad, the Russian index is -36% followed by China’s Shanghai index slightly better at -11.77%.** ose types of returns and that type of volatility can happen in equity markets and often does; but much more concerning to me was bond performance during that time period. Bonds, as measured by the ETF AGG - ishares Core U.S. Aggregate Index had a -8.89% principal rate of return since the beginning of the year. For almost the past 40 years, bonds have been a great way for investors to di versify their portfolios and avoid being completely exposed to the see-saw moves of the stock market. I have often heard people say, “when stocks go down, bonds go up – that’s why you need to have some bonds in your portfolio.” ere is a possibility that what investors thought of as a relatively safe investment class has just ended its 40-year his toric run in valuation.is is very concerning to say the least! Many older investors have stuck to the old rule of thumb, “Whatever your age is, that’s how much of your portfolio you should allocate to bonds.”Well, I believe the problem with



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