My City March 2023

Randy Wise Automotive FOUNDED: 1989 |

maybe someday, I could own my own house and live a good life, but I never dreamt that I would be in this position. What are your plans for 2023 and into the future? My goal is to make sure the 416 employees we have are still here “IN MY DECADES IN BUSINESS, I HAVE BEEN ALL OVER THE COUNTRY LOOK ING AT DIFFERENT BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE, AND THERE ARE NO BETTER PEOPLE THAN RIGHT THERE IN GENE SEE COUNTY.”

How did you get your start?

I have spent my entire professional career in the automotive industry, beginning in May of 1970 when I started working with Al Serra at a Chevrolet dealership

in Ferndale, MI. To what do you owe your success and longevity? I owe my success to an awful lot of employees I have had over the years, some of the tutelage I have received from the managers working above me and honestly, I just refuse to fail. What advice do you have for new entrepreneurs? Stay the course – don’t let a failure stop you from reaching your goal. There will always be hurdles in your way, but if you have a

at the end of the year, and we continue to grow. What is great about doing business in Greater Flint?

good plan and a strong work ethic, you will survive. Did you ever think your business would make it this far?

In my decades in business, I have been all over the country looking at different businesses and people, and there are no better people than right there in Genesee County. I say that very sincerely – when they tell you something, they mean it. You need a handshake, not anything in writing, and that is why I love it.

No – never in my wildest dreams! My grandfather was a butcher, my father was a tool and dye worker for Fisher Body. I thought



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